The Endless, Empty City
(AKA: Den uendelige, tomme by)
Genre: Drama, Novellescenarie, Sci-Fi
Participants: 1 GM, 3 players
✏️ | Mads Egedal Kirchhoff |
Scenario (Fastaval version) [Danish] | (2.2 MB) |
Scenario [English] | (1.9 MB) |
A distant future. Most of the earth and all life on it has been replaced by the City. Robots build still higher skyscrapers with metallic shines, despite no one there to live in them. A lonely figure wanders between the gigantic, hollow buildings. Past endless bridges, amidst thousands of electrical lights. She has been searching for another human being in aeons, or just some kind of hope for the future. Some day she will find what she seeks, but is it actually what she had hoped it would be?
“The Endless, Empty City” is an atmospheric narration/describing game about loneliness and the unfamiliar twosomeness that replaces it. About a small human in a grandiose and terrible city. The game has no dialogue or inner monologue from the characters. The player’s solely describe the City and the characters and imply their inner workings and feelings through their physical behaviours. “Show, don’t tell” in roleplaying form. Players play abstract concepts and feelings such as Loneliness, Hope and Decay.
The game has a simple plot based on consecutive scenes, but the focus is not on plot, but making the City and the characters come to life and creating and enjoying the mood of the game.
En fjern fremtid. Byen. Større end jorden var. Byggende robotter rejser stadig højere metal-skinnende bygninger, trods der ingen er til at bebo dem. Byen har erstattet, ædt, jorden og nær alt der levede på den. En ensom skikkelse vandrer gennem den, over endeløse broer, blandt oplyste skyskrabere. Hun har søgt efter et andet menneske i umindelige tider, bare efter en eller anden, nogen andre ligesom hende. En dag finder hun det hun søger, men ændrer det noget?
Den Uendelige, Tomme By er et stemningsfuldt fortælle/beskrive scenarie om ensomhed og den ufamiliære tosomhed der erstatter den. Scenariet er uden dialog og indre monolog inde i fiktionen, så spillerne beskriver udelukkende byen og karakterene, antyder deres indre liv og følelser på deres fysiske træk. “Show, don’t tell” på rollespils form.
Scenariet har et simpelt plot baseret på fortløbende scener, men handler mere om at gøre byen og karakterene levende og mærke en stemning.
For spillere som kan lide beskrive. Man skal have mod på det hårde benspænd at skulle fortælle en historie uden dialog og lege lidt med den fortællende form.
Played at
Con Artist 2 (2016) | |
♻ | Fastaval (2016) |
Fastaval (2016)
Nominated, Bedste Roller
- Novellescenarie
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