She shattered into a thousand pieces
(AKA: Kvinden, der gik i tusind stykker)
Genre: Drama
Participants: 1 GM, 4 players
✏️ | Tina Heebøll Arbjørn |
✏️ | Mette Finderup |
🎨 | Jesper Højland Jensen (Forside) |
📰 | Thomas Munkholt |
👍 | René Husted (Indtaler af lydfiler) |
🎵 | Scenario - oplæsning [Danish] | (93.1 MB) |
🎵 | Characters - Elise - oplæsning [Danish] | (6 MB) |
🎵 | Characters - Margrethe - oplæsning [Danish] | (6.6 MB) |
🎵 | Characters - Adam - oplæsning [Danish] | (5.6 MB) |
🎵 | Characters - No - oplæsning [Danish] | (6.8 MB) |
🎵 | Characters - Emma - oplæsning [Danish] | (3 MB) |
Scenario - tekst [Danish] | (2.3 MB) |
As a child something terrible happened to Pil that shattered her mind and turned her into several different people. Now her personalities are forced to reconcile because Pil’s daughter is in danger.
As you come to yourself, you gaze at a painting. You have no idea who painted it.
"How much does it cost?" the woman behind you asks. You have no clue about that either. In fact, you remember nothing since you escorted your daughter to school.
Pil suffers from dissociative identity disorder. Through intense glimpses into the daily life between her and her teenage daughter, the drama unfolds. It intensifies when an ominous man moves in next door. He reminds Pil of something deeply buried in her mind. Will he harm them? And how do you protect your child and be a good mother when memory fails, and you can't even trust yourself?
The players each embody distinct personalities, using metatechniques to control their shared body. They also collectively play the daughter, and the relationship between mother and daughter is the central core in the scenario. The personalities are aware of each other's existence, and their mutual resistance is a crucial driving force towards the ending, determined by the group.
Da Pil var barn skete der noget så forfærdeligt, at hendes sind gik i stykker og blev til mange forskellige personer. Nu er de nødt til at komme overens med hinanden og deres egne dæmoner, for Pils datter er i fare.
Da du kommer til dig selv, ser du på et maleri. Du aner ikke, hvem der har malet det.
“Hvad skal det koste?” spørger kvinden bag dig. Det aner du heller ikke noget om. Faktisk husker du intet, siden du fulgte din datter i skole.
Pil lider af personlighedsspaltning. Gennem intense nedslag i hverdagslivet mellem hende og hendes teenagedatter folder dramaet sig ud. Det intensiveres, da en ildevarslende mand flytter ind ved siden af. Han minder Pil om noget, hun har gemt dybt i sit sind. Mon han vil skade dem? Og hvordan beskytter man sit barn og er en god mor, når hukommelsen svigter, og man ikke engang kan stole på sig selv?
Spillerne har hver deres personlighed og skiftes gennem metateknikker til at styre deres fælles krop. De er også fælles om at spille datteren, og relationen mellem mor og datter er scenariet helt centrale kerne. Personlighederne er klar over hinandens eksistens, og deres indbyrdes modstand er en vigtig motor mod scenariets slutning, som er helt op til gruppen.
Played at
Fastaval - Otto & jagten på den gyldne pingvin (2024) |
Fastaval - Otto & jagten på den gyldne pingvin (2024)
Nominated, Bedste Formidling
A difficult affliction is described soberly and effectively in a thoroughly well-written text. All information is provided in the right order and the game master is well equipped to handle the mechanics of the scenario. The evocative paintings support the theme of the scenario and provide a unique perspective on the psychology of the main character.
Nominated, Juryens Specialpris
In the story of Pil, there are clear rules for how the body is controlled. When Wolfgang appears, the rules are broken and both the characters and players lose control. The appearance of an unknown and threatening personality in the scenario is a radical change that disrupts the dynamics of the game.
- Dommerne skrev: En hovedperson, der aldrig er fuldt tilstede, men splittet i personligheder, bliver gjort spilbar gennem en række stærke teknikker. Selvom meget er usikkert og svært, binder kærligheden til datteren Emma personlighederne sammen. Truslerne kommer både inde- og udefra og tvinger dem til at kæmpe for deres frihed og deres datter.
- A main character who is never fully present but instead split into personalities, is made playable through a host of strong techniques. Though much is hard and uncertain, love of the daughter Emma connects the personalities. Threats both internal and external loom and force them to fight for their freedom and their daughter.
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