Stellar Scramble
Participants: 2-4 players
Søren Brandborg | |
Mark Elsdon |
Rules [English] | (2.8 MB) |
Take the role of daring star pilot vying for victory in the face of an alien invasion. Upgrade your star fighter and fill your inventory with energy tokens which you’ll draw from your bag to activate weapons, engines, and systems. Push you luck to blast more aliens, but don’t get too greedy, or you may overheat!
In Stellar Scramble, two to four players each take the role of a daring star pilot from near-future Earth, vying to survive and triumph in the face of an oncoming alien menace.
Players compete to earn renown, which can be gained by blasting the invading ships, but is lost if aliens slip past their defenses and attack their base.
Each turn, players will begin by choosing from a selection of upgrades, adding powerful weapons, engines and systems to their ships, and vital energy tokens to their bags. They will then scramble into deep space, ready to face the attack waves of the advancing alien armada. Each player will draw tokens from their bag to activate the upgrade cards they have added to their ship, maneuvering, and shooting aliens as best they can. Destroying aliens will provide not only provide renown points, but also vital resources that will be needed to build further upgrades, so it’s important to take down as many as possible.
However, the trickiest element of being a star pilot is knowing when to cut your losses! Each player’s bag contains a number of Overheat tokens, and drawing too many of these will end a player’s mission suddenly, costing them some of the key resources they have collected.
At the end of the turn the surviving alien ships advance towards Earth, and those that reach it will begin attacking player bases, costing valuable renown. Even worse, the attack waves are then replenished with even more powerful reinforcements – making further ship upgrades essential!
Stellar Scramble is a fast-paced game of strategic tableau and bag building, combined with a push-your-luck element that will force players to make agonizing decisions turn after turn. Can you keep you cool long enough to choose the right upgrades, make the right moves, and prove yourself the savior of humanity? It’s time to Scramble!
Duration: 90-120 min (incl. rules)
Tag rollen som en dristig rumpilot, og kæmp om sejren mod invasionen fra rummet. Opgrader dit rumskib og fyld dit inventar med energi, som du trækker fra din pose for at aktivere våben, motorer og systemer. Pres dit held for at nedkæmpe flere rumvæsener, men bliv ikke for grådig – ellers risikerer du at dit rumskib overopheder!
I Stellar Scramble påtager 2-4 spillere sig rollen som dristige stjernepilot fra Jorden. De kappedes om at overleve og triumfere overfor en tiltagende trussel fra rumvæsenerne.
Spillerne konkurrerer om at opnå berømmelse, som kan opnås ved at sprænge de invaderende skibe, men går tabt, hvis rumvæsener glider forbi deres forsvar og angriber deres base.
I hver runde vil spillerne starte med at vælge mellem et udvalg af opgraderinger, tilføje kraftfulde våben, motorer og systemer til deres rumskibe og vital energi til deres inventar. De vil derefter flyve ud i det ydre rum, klar til at møde angrebsbølgerne fra den fremrykkende hær af rumvæsener. Hver spiller trækker energi fra deres inventar (poser) for at aktivere de opgraderinger de har tilføjet til deres skib, manøvrerer og skyder rumvæsener, så godt de kan. At nedkæmpe rumvæsener vil ikke kun give berømmelse, men også vitale ressourcer, der vil være nødvendige for at tilføje yderligere opgraderinger. Det er derfor altafgørende at udrydde så mange som muligt.
Det sværeste ved at være en stjernepilot er dog, at vide hvornår man skal pakke sammen og trække dig tilbage! Hver spillers pose indeholder nemlig et antal overophednings-sten. Hvis man trækker for mange af disse, slutter missionen øjeblikkeligt, hvilket vil koster nogle af de nøgleressourcer der er samlet.
I slutningen af runden rykker de overlevende rumvæseners skibe frem mod Jorden, og dem der kommer langt nok, vil angribe spillernes baser, hvilket koster værdifuldt point. Endnu værre er det, at rækken af rumvæsener bliver genopfyldt med endnu mere kraftfulde forstærkninger – hvilket gør yderligere opgraderinger af dit skib afgørende!
Stellar Scramble er et tempofyldt spil med strategisk tableau- og pose-opbygning, kombineret med et push-your-luck-element, der vil tvinge spillere til at tage pinefulde beslutninger tur efter tur. Kan du holde det kølige overblik længe nok til at vælge de rigtige opgraderinger, foretage de rigtige bevægelser og bevise, at du er menneskehedens frelser? Det er tid til at ”Scramble”!
Varighed: 90-120 min (inkl. regler)
Played at
Aarhus Brætspilsfestival '22 (2022) | |
Fastaval - Føniks' genopstandelse (2022) |
Fastaval - Føniks' genopstandelse (2022)
Winner, Bedste Formidlede Brætspil
Stellar Scramble is thoroughly well-produced, and the amount of attention to detail makes the game immediately inviting. The rules are well communicated, and the illustrations and examples make the game very accessible. These, assisted by player guides and symbols on the board, give a good overview and understanding of the actions. All things combined makes for a smooth player experience with no need to look up rules during the game.
Nominated, Bedste Brætspil
The fate of the Earth depends on the skills of a group of pilots competing to blast the biggest number of invading space ships out of the sky. The arcade nostalgia is spot on as the rows of space ships move closer to Earth in perfect “Space Invaders” style. The pilots must handle a bag of crystals never knowing exactly which weapon they end up firing, or if their ship potentially overheats in the process. Additionally they need to prioritize between shooting and taking the good upgrades before the other players do. Every detail is well considered, and easily interpreted components with well-executed overviews makes the game easily accessible.
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