Joan the Vampire Slayer
Sjanger: Drama, Fantasy, Komedie
Deltakere: 1 GM, 5 players
✏️ | Mads Brynnum |
✏️ | Kristoffer Rudkjær |
🎨 | Johanne Sorgenfri Ottosen |
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Scenarie [dansk] | (6 MB) | |
Spillermaterialer (English) [engelsk] | (5 MB) |
Joan The Vampire Slayer er et scenarie om 17-årige Joan. Om dagen er hun en almindelig high school-elev i 50’ernes midtvesten, men om natten kæmper hun sammen med sin gruppe af venner mod vampyrer og andre dæmoner. Spillerne tager rollen som Joan og hendes venner,og sammen skal de besejre sæsonens hovedskurk. Men én ting er at kæmpe mod ondskaben, noget helt andet er at navigere gennem livet som teenager og alt det drama, det medfører.
Scenariet er en åbenlys rollespilshyldest til tv-serien Buffy the Vampire Slayer og har ligesom forlægget et plot, der strækker sig over en hel sæson. Så vi følger Joan og hendes venner i udvalgte afsnit lige fra sæsonåbneren og til den endelige kamp mod the big bad.
Joan The Vampire Slayer is a game about 17 years old Joan. During the day she’s an ordinary high school student in the 50’s Midwest, but at night she fights vampires and other demons with her friends. The players take the roles of Joan and her friends, and together they are up against the main villain of the season. But it’s one thing to fight evil, and something else entirely to navigate
through life as a teenager with all the drama it entails.
The game is obviously an homage to the tv-series Buffy The Vampire Slayer, and like the original the story spans an entire season. We follow Joan and her friends in selected episodes from the season opener to the final showdown against the big bad.
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Fastaval - Otto i Eventyrland (2018) | |
♻ | Stockholm Scenario Festival (2018) |
Fastaval - Otto i Eventyrland (2018)
Winner, Bedste Fortælling
A carefully thought out story arch, where a massive overarching story gets packed into a manageable package. The participants experience two entire seasons of Joan the Vampire Slayer, with room for teenage drama, and out heroes final battle against the allfather.
Winner, Deltagernes Pris (Delt førsteplads)
Nominated, Bedste Formidling
We are led through an entertaining and well crafted reading experience, where you always know what you are reading, and why. The Buffy/Joanverse is put forward in a way where one feels at home, even if one hasn’t seen the tv-series.
Nominated, Bedste Scenarie
Roles, structure, scenes, and mechanics, all play together to create a fun and wild popcorn experience. The scenario is a nostalgic serialblockbuster, for those who know Buffy, and those who don’t.
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