Under frie stjerner
(alias: Below a Free Sky)
System: Systemløst
Sjanger: Drama, Sci-Fi
Deltakere: 1 GM, 5 players
✏️ | Louise Floor Frellsen |
✏️ | Louis Martinus Kehlet |
🎨 | Sophie Lehn Brand |
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Scenarie [dansk] | (8,4 MB) |
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På den besatte handelsplanet Brentaal IV kæmper en lille oprørsgruppe for at få deres hjem og deres liv tilbage. Som gruppens indflydelse vokser og kampen bliver mere blodig, bliver det dog klart, at selv hvis de sejrer, har de tabt en del af dem selv.
Et usagt farvel før I skilles i mørket.
Kold natteluft mod svedig hud, imens lyden af patruljedroidernes metalfødder fortager sig i det fjerne.
En rystende finger på blasterens aftrækker.
Det er alt sammen er en del af frihedskampen. Ligesom tvivlen. Tvivlen på om man gør nok, om man er gået for langt, om det ville have været bedre ikke at kæmpe. Kan man overhovedet vende om?
Under frie stjerner er historien om oprørsbevægelsen under Brentaal IVs besættelse i løbet af klonkrigene. Det er fortællingen om hvordan krigen ændrer dens medlemmer og deres forhold til hinanden, og om de kan blive ved med at tro på deres sag.
Scenariet består hovedsageligt af karakterspilsscener, hvor fokus er på karakterernes udvikling og deres forhold til hinanden. Historiens overordnede handling er fastlagt på forhånd, de valg der træffes handler især om hvem karaktererne er, men får også betydning for planetens skæbne. Det er ikke et action-scenarie men nogle af gruppens aktiviteter spilles som fortællescener.
Vil du ofre dit liv for friheden? Har du ret til at ofre andres?
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…
On the occupied trade planet Brentaal IV a small group of insurgents fight to get back their homes and their lives. As the group grows more influential and the fights more bloody, it becomes apparent that even should they be victorious they will have lost a part of themselves.
An unspoken goodbye in the darkness.
Cold night air brushes against sweaty skin, as the metallic sounds of the patrol droids grow weaker in the distance.
A shaking finger hovers over the blaster’s trigger.
All this is part of the fight for freedom. As is doubting. Doubting if you’re doing enough, if you’ve gone too far, if it would have been better not to fight at all. Can you even turn back?
Below a Free Sky is the tale of the uprising during the occupation of Brentaal IV at the time of the Clone Wars. It is the story of how the war changes its members and their relationships and about whether or not they can keep believing in their cause.
The scenario mainly consists of character play based scenes which focuses on the development of the characters and their relationships with each other. The main narrative of the story is predetermined and the choices you make will mainly explore who the characters are, but they will also play a part in determining the fate of the planet. It is not an action scenario however some of the activities of the insurgency will be played out as narrative scenes.
Will you sacrifice your life for freedom? Do you have the right to sacrifice the lives of others?
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Fastaval - Mad Science (2017) |
Fastaval - Mad Science (2017)
Winner, Specialprisen
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