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Six Months, Three Days

(alias: 183 Days)

Sjanger: Drama
Deltakere: No GMs, 2 players


✏️James Stuart
✏️Sara Williamson


The man who can see the future has a date with the woman who can see many possible futures.

An adaption of Charlie Jane Anders award winning story, Six Months, Three Days tells the story of one relationship, between the two only clairvoyants on the world. One sees a predestined, inescapable fate, the other a spectrum of possible worlds to choose from. When the two of them intersect, can their relationship end in anything but tragedy, or is there more than one way life can turn out?

Love – Clairvoyance – Fate

Sam can see the future. Dylan can see many possible futures. Tomorrow, they go on a date. When the two of them intersect, can their relationship end in anything but tragedy, or is there more than one way life can turn out?

In Six Months, Three Days, you and a partner will play out the relationship between Sam and Dylan, the only two clairvoyants in the world.It is a game about the tension between love and fear, and destiny and free will.

It uses a special deck of cards and no GM.

You should play Six Months, Three Days if you enjoy inhabiting a character, continuous play, relationship drama, the art of conversation, emotional vulnerability, and building a relationship up only to tear it down.

Six Months, Three Days is an adaption of Charlie Jane Anders award winning story with the same name.

Sara Williamson and James Stuart are both active in the american indie game scene. Sara Williamson has released two games, Shelter, published in the Indie Mixtape, and Group Date, which was a winner in the Golden Cobra freeform competition. James Stuart runs Story Games and Different Play.

Spilt på

Fastaval - Dia de los Fastos (2015)
Stockholm Scenario Festival (2015)
Stockholm Scenario Festival (2017)


Fastaval - Dia de los Fastos (2015)

Winner, Bedste Fortælling
En poetisk kærlighedshistorie om de eneste to mennesker, der kan se ud i fremtiden. Fortællingen lader spillerne bruge rollernes evner til både at nyde det magiske øjeblik og frygte forholdets endeligt, der langsomt kommer nærmere, som månederne og dagene rinder ud mellem hænderne på dem.
Nominated, Bedste Scenarie
Et lille, tight og fantastisk kortspil. Alt overflødigt fedt er skåret væk, og tilbage står et modigt scenarie, der både ved præcis, hvad det vil, og som stoler betingelsesløst på, at spillerne kan føre det ud i livet.
Nominated, Specialprisen
Et unikum af spillederløst rollespil, hvor manglen på spilleder er nødvendig for at kunne få scenariets mission til at lykkes. Alt fra formidling til form arbejder sammen med det spillederløse format og giver et scenarie, der går længere med intimitet, end det er set før.

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