Verdens ende
(alias: World's End, End of the World)
Deltakere: 1 GM, 3 players
✏️ | Nina Runa Essendrop |
📰 | Niels Jensen |
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Scenarie [dansk] | (1,1 MB) |
Spillederkompendie [dansk] | (0,5 MB) |
Den Gamle Mand [dansk] | (0,6 MB) |
Kvinden Med Barnet [dansk] | (0,4 MB) |
Drengen [dansk] | (0,3 MB) |
I en verden, der snart går under, begiver en dreng, en kvinde og en gammel mand sig på en sidste surrealistisk rejse væk fra alt de kender og med en sidste mulighed for at finde sig selv inden alting slutter.
Poetic – Character Development – Symbolic
Three people awake and know, that the world is soon going to end. Nothing to do about it. They say farewell to all that they have known and begin a journey. The journey ends at the mountain. And the world comes to an end.
I am the boy who lost his father.
He sat by the phone, waiting for his dad to call him. He was afraid that his dad didn’t love him any more. He thought about calling him instead. He did nothing. So nothing happened.
Life goes on…
I am the abandoned woman with the child.
She felt like yelling at him. But she just turned around and walked away. All of a sudden she was alone, and didn’t know what to do about the child. Isolated from the world.
Life goes on…
I am the old man who nobody listens to any more.
He cried for her. He yelled when he stood alone by the coffin. He was silent when he was brought to the nursery home. He had no more strength.
Life goes on…
Until they awake and know. In less than two days, the world will end.
A slow, dreaming and symbolic story about three people who all try to find themselves in a world that is inevitably coming to an end.
I am the boy who lost his father.
He sat by the phone, waiting for his dad to call him. He was afraid that his dad didn’t love him anymore. He thought about calling him instead. He did nothing. So nothing happened.
Life goes on…
3 persons awakes and know, that the world is soon going to end. Nothing to do about it. They says farewell to all that they have known and begins a journey. On the way they meet others, who gives them the opportunity to recreate themselves from scratch. Take new names. The journey ends at the mountain. And the world comes to an ends.
Spilt på
Fastaval (2012) | |
♻ | Grenselandet (2012) |
♻ | Stockholm Scenario Festival (2013) |
♻ | Knudepunkt (2015) |
♻ | A Love Piece (2017) |
Fastaval (2012)
Winner, Bedste Virkemidler
Om vinderen sagde dommerne:
-Helt fantastiske virkemidler til at illustrere rollernes udvikling..
-Giver spillerne tryghed og frihed til indlevelse.
-Vi skal helt ned i maven, og vi skal føle.
Spillerne sagde:
Gode værktøjer, der fik virkelighed og drøm til at smelte langsomt sammen.
Super sej integration af opvarmning.
Virkeligt stærkt, at ændre navne på karaktererne i takt med deres udvikling.
Nominated, Bedste Scenarie
Nominated, Bedste Roller
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