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The cry of a unicorn

Forside til The cry of a unicorn

System: D&D 5th Edition
Deltakere: 4-6 players


✏️Christian Andreasen


In a far far land . In a far far forest a helpless unicorn scream out for help. The help of those adventure that helped uni 40 years ago. Will the call of Uni the Unicorn be heard

Time slot : 10-15

Prep: nothing is needed as people will get a premade character with spells and magic items inspired by the dnd animated show from the 1980s.

Things needed: pen, Eraser, dice.

Launge: English unless all are speaking danish

I do not expect people to be experienced in dnd or in the new edition. This will just be a fun one shoot to test some of the new features .

There will be opportunities to both have combat against the new monsters stats and some role playing moment

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