(alias: Hellbent)
System: Systemløst
Sjanger: Drama, Fantasy
Deltakere: 1 GM, 5 players
✏️ | Anders Frost Bertelsen |
✏️ | Simon Steen Hansen |
🎨 | Oliver Nøglebæk |
🎨 | Johanne Sorgenfri Ottosen |
📰 | Kristian Bach Petersen |
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Characters [engelsk] | (4 MB) | |
Scenarie [dansk] | (6,4 MB) |
Systemløst fantasyscenarie, hvor syv krigere desperat forsøger at forsvare en landsby mod en røverbande.
I et kongerige hærget af en årelang borgerkrig er en afsidesliggende landsby truet af røvere. Deres eneste håb er en spådom om, at præcis syv krigere vil kunne holde stand og redde landsbyen.
Spillerne spiller de syv krigere, der af vidt forskellige årsager har sagt ja til forsvare landsbyen. Tre spillere påtager sig rollen som én kriger, og to spillere har hver to krigere. Ikke alle vil komme levende igennem, og slutningen vil sandsynligvis være bittersød. Stålsat er et dramascenarie med fokus på rollernes udvikling og relationer, og når røvernes angreb endelig kommer, er det op til spillerne at fortælle, hvordan kampen kommer til at gå.
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Spillertype: Skal kunne lide at leve sig ind i en eller flere roller og bruge dem til at skabe en fælles historie, som de individuelle rollers egne fortællinger fletter sig ind og ud af. Skal være med på både at spille stilfærdige dramascener og beskrive brutale kampscener.
Spilledertype: Skal sætte og klippe scener samt spille biroller. Kan lide at holde styr på mange handlingstråde, gribe spillernes bolde og hjælpe dem med at få den bedste historie frem. Skal være indstillet på at præge historien og tilpasse handlingen til den konkrete afvikling ud fra en række sceneoplæg.
Spillere: 5
Spilledere: 1
Samlet tidsforbrug: 5-6 timer
Sprog: Dansk og Engelsk. Spilleder-tekst kun på dansk
Aldersgrænse: Ingen
Læsemængde: 4-7 sider, afhængigt af om man f.eks. er en af dem med to roller (dækker både roller og oversigtsark). Alt spillermateriale vil blive indtalt, så man kan lytte i stedet for at læse.
Freeform fantasy scenario where seven warriors desperately defend a village against a gang of outlaws.
In a kingdom torn apart by civil war, a remote village is threatened by outlaws. Their only hope is a prophecy that seven warriors will be able to stand firm and save the village.
The players take the roles as the seven warriors that all have different reasons for defending the village. Three players each play one warrior while two players each play two. Not all warriors will make it through, and the ending will likely be bittersweet. Hellbent is a drama focusing on character development and relations, and when the outlaws finally attack, it will be up to the players to narrate how the battle evolves.
Last stand
Player types: Likes to immerse themselves in one or more characters and use them to create a shared narrative that the individual characters’ own stories intertwine with. Wants to both play low-key drama scenes and describe brutal encounters.
Gamemaster type: Has to set and cut scenes as well as playing minor characters. Likes keeping track of several narrative threads and helping the players coax forth the best story. Willing to influence the story and adapt it to the specific group based on a series of suggested scenes.
Players: 5
Gamemasters: 1
Total runtime: 5-6 hours
Language: Danish and English, gamemaster text only in Danish
Age limit: None
Material to be read: 4-7 pages, depending on various factors, such as if you are playing one or two characters (covers both character descriptions and reference sheets).
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Fastaval: Otto for folket (2023) |
Fastaval: Otto for folket (2023)
Winner, Bedste Formidling
With a text as concise as a haiku and as sharp as a samurai sword, the scenes effortlessly spring from the page to the game room. The wide margin provides room for additional information exactly whenever the gamemaster needs it, while the map and Korva’s supplemental information ensures that Korva’s player can set the stage for defending the village.
Winner, Bedste Fortælling
The story of the seven warriors protecting the village is epic and magnificent. But it also has room for love and friendship, and the small things that maybe are worth dying for. The story has a ton of potential outcomes, and the players have full agency to pursue what they most wish for.
Winner, Bedste Roller
The seven roles are the driving force in the scenario. The warriors each struggle to find their place in the world and they all have a potential for both redemption and perdition. As the conflict between ideals and the urge to survive rages, one question remains: how hellbent are they really?
Winner, Bedste Scenarie
Hellbent is a grand scenario in every way. It feels like you are playing through a whole campaign in a single evening, but it is also manageable and very easy to run. It seems to be a simple story about defending a village from vicious brigands, but there is so much more going on right there under the surface.
Nominated, Deltagernes Pris, Rollespil (Andenplads)
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