Jeppe Nybo Jørgensen
✏️ | Sterlingtons arv | "Tanken?!" Con II Take 2 (1998) | |||
✏️ | Skår | Fastaval - Mad Science (2017) | |||
💾 | Rotteræset | Fastaval - Otto Under the Sea (2019) |
Fastaval - Otto Under the Sea (2019)
Rotteræset: Winner, Bedste Virkemidler
Én gennemgående og simpel terningmekanik samler alle tråde i scenariet. Novellescenariets tempo sættes effektivt, fortællingen drives af terningernes udfald, og rotternes rygstikken understøttes på fornem vis - med plads til rollernes særegne evner. Dertil kommer et farverigt galleri af biroller, der aldrig efterlader spilleder alene i sandkassen.
A single and simple dice mechanic pulls together all the threads in the scenario. The pace is efficiently kept, the story is powered by the outcome of the dice, and the backstabbing of the rats is masterfully supported with room for each role´s unique skills. In addition we get a colourful symphony of supporting characters, never leaving the game master alone in the sandbox
A single and simple dice mechanic pulls together all the threads in the scenario. The pace is efficiently kept, the story is powered by the outcome of the dice, and the backstabbing of the rats is masterfully supported with room for each role´s unique skills. In addition we get a colourful symphony of supporting characters, never leaving the game master alone in the sandbox
Rotteræset: Winner, Deltagernes Pris
Rotteræset: Nominated, Bedste Scenarie
Alle elementer i denne veloplagte og lettilgængelige novelle arbejder sammen mod at skabe et hæsblæsende og uforudsigeligt ræs efter Den Trehornede Rottes Ampel. Scenen er sat til en underholdende rotteintrige der med farverige bipersoner og dolkende hovedpersoner strutter af Warhammer.
All elements of this invigorating and easy accessible scenario work together towards creating a breakneck and unpredictable race for The Ampel of the Three Horned Rat. The scene is set for an entertaining rat rivalry with colourful supporting characters and stabbing prone main characters bursting with Warhammer.
All elements of this invigorating and easy accessible scenario work together towards creating a breakneck and unpredictable race for The Ampel of the Three Horned Rat. The scene is set for an entertaining rat rivalry with colourful supporting characters and stabbing prone main characters bursting with Warhammer.
Rotteræset: Nominated, Bedste Roller
De pelsede antihelte er Skavens ind til benet; intrigante, hemmelighedsfulde, belæsset med mere eller mindre brugbare våben - og ikke videre intelligente. Der er grundlag for en voldsom magtkamp rotterne imellem, ligesom der er inspiration til hvordan de kan udforske Nuln i ly af natten, samtidig med at scenariets univers bæres helt ud til spillerne.
The furry anti heroes are Skavens to the bone. Scheming, secretive, stocked up with more or less useful weapons, and not too bright. They form a base for violent moves for power amongst the rats as well as inspirational hooks for how to explore Nuln under the cover of night - delivering the atmosphere of the scenario at the furry feet of the players.
The furry anti heroes are Skavens to the bone. Scheming, secretive, stocked up with more or less useful weapons, and not too bright. They form a base for violent moves for power amongst the rats as well as inspirational hooks for how to explore Nuln under the cover of night - delivering the atmosphere of the scenario at the furry feet of the players.
Rotteræset: Nominated, Bedste Formidling
Der er Warhammer fra halespids til pestbefængt knurhår! Med en stemningsmættet tekst sniger rottemændene sig ind i spilleders bevidsthed, mens Nuln fremmanes som en farverig sandkasse, der skal udforskes sammen med spillerne. Klare og kortfattede regelforklaringer, drabeligt gode råd samt et nyttigt oversigtsark sikrer at spilleder - ligesom rollerne - er bevæbnet til tænderne.
Warhammer from tip of the tail to pest infested whisker! In a text thick with the stink of Skaven, the setting of Nuln is drawn up as a safe sand box for the game master and players to explore. Clear cut rule explanations, devious ideas for where to go and who to meet, and a useful cheat sheet, arms the game master as well as the characters - to the teeth.
Warhammer from tip of the tail to pest infested whisker! In a text thick with the stink of Skaven, the setting of Nuln is drawn up as a safe sand box for the game master and players to explore. Clear cut rule explanations, devious ideas for where to go and who to meet, and a useful cheat sheet, arms the game master as well as the characters - to the teeth.
Fastaval | (2011) | Ottodommer |
Fastaval - Føniks' genopstandelse | (2022) | Tryghedsvært |
Fastaval: Otto for folket | (2023) | Scenarieottodommer |
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