Jacqueline Bryk
Golden Cobra Challenge (2016)
The Porch: Winner, Most Convention Ready
A soft, thoughtful game about a last gathering of friends after graduating from high school. On a warm August evening somewhere in the South they gather around the porch and drink iced tea, watching the sun set over the trees and on the end of an era. Each has a burning question locked behind their teeth. Will it find breath before they have to move on? Slightly bitter, slightly sweet, this game has a cozy feeling about it while still being concise with its delivery. It provides the portrayal of a very atmospheric type of conversation in an organic and easily playable way--with a great story and a structure that rises to match it. We're excited to play this one right out of the box.
Golden Cobra Challenge (2022)
I Have No Railgun And I Must Scream: Nominated, Honorable Mentions
A love letter to the "vulnerable, squishy humanity present on the fringes of mech games," I Have No Railgun and I Must Scream delivers mecha drama in the style of Voices of a Distant Star with an extremely simple roll-and-write game. The lists of names and situations are thoroughly informed by the genre fiction, and all the vibes are right. Our favorite line from the game text is obviously: "Sibling also always gets a railgun."
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