Remember the Amazons
RPG system: Eget system
Participants: 1 GM, 5 players
✏️ | Johannes Busted Vestergaard |
🎨 | Sarah Vilhelmsen |
📰 | Kristian Bach Petersen |
Scenario [Danish] | (16.2 MB) |
Team spirit is everything when you’re the first female Blood Bowl team in the Empire. But life outside the field begins intruding as traveling between the arenas brings the players much too close to their pasts.
Keywords: Blood Bowl – Sports scenario – Women
There’s a dreadful rain at Altdorf Oldbowl, the largest Blood Bowl stadium in the world.
The match hasn’t started yet, and the receiving team hasn’t even entered the field. Averheim Amazons are standing alone in front of the audience. Catcher Adele is already covered in mud. This is going to be a hard game for her. Catching the ball is difficult when it rains, it’s raining a lot, and two months ago, Adele couldn’t catch a ball even under the best conditions.
Their opponents, the Reikland Reavers, the best Blood Bowl-team in the world, enters the field running. Adele hears their star player, Griff Oberwald, shouting: “Ladies first! But we’re not going to play soft – you’ll be feeling this when we’re done with you!”
He is a fool. It’s raining, but Adele is smiling, because she has always been exceptionally fast.
Remember the Amazons is a Warhammer story of five badass women on the first female Blood Bowl team in the history of the Empire. The scenario switches between grandiose sports epics and character play in a male chauvinist fantasy setting.
About the author:
Johannes Busted Vestergaard has written a series of action packed scenarios, which often focus on identity and fellowship
Sammenhold er altafgørende, når man er Imperiets første kvindelige Blood Bowl-hold. Men livet udenfor banen trænger sig på, og rejsen rundt til rigets arenaer bringer spillerne alt for tæt på deres fortid.
Stikord: Blood bowl – Sportsscenarie – Kvinder
Det regner voldsomt på Altdorf Oldbowl, verdens største blood bowl station.
Kampen er ikke startet og modtagerne er ikke engang gået på banen endnu. Averheim Amazons står alene foran publikum. Catcher Adele har allerede mudder over alt. Det bliver en svær kamp for hende. Det er svært at gribe bolde i regnvejr, det regner meget og for bare to måneder siden kunne Adele end ikke gribe en bold under de bedste betingelser.
Deres modtagere Reikland Reavers, verdens bedste blood bowl-hold, løber på banen. Adele hører stjernespilleren Griff Oberwald råbe ”Damerne først! Men vi giver jer så det kan mærkes!”.
Han er et fjols. Det regner og det bliver svært at gribe bolden, men Adele smiler, for hun har altid været helt utrolig hurtig.
Remember the Amazons er en Warhammer-fortælling om fem møgseje kvinder på det første kvindelige Blood Bowl-hold i Imperiets historie. Scenariet skifter mellem storladen sportsepik og karakterspil i en mandschauvinist fantasy setting.
Om forfatteren:
Johannes Busted Vestergaard har skrevet en række action packed scenarier, der som ofte handler om identitet og fællesskab.
Played at
Fastaval - Otto Under the Sea (2019) |
Fastaval - Otto Under the Sea (2019)
Nominated, Bedste Roller
These five hardcore ladies make you want to sprint, tackle, bust and break your way through SPIKE! Magazine Bloow Bowl Tournament. But when talent and will to win do not come in equal measures, when a team mate is banging your father, and when a noble lady from Averland needs to find common ground with the pit fighter from Norsca, drama is bound to happen on and off the astro granite.
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