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Storm Chasers

Front page for Storm Chasers


DesignerDan Halstad


Storm Chasers is a real-time, pick-up and deliver game where all players act simultaneously to frantically roll their custom 6-sided dice and race across the countryside photographing storms and completing news and media contracts.Each round, one player will assume the role of the Storms while the remaining players will act as the Chasers.

As the Chasers, you will be driving around the board, photographing storms and racing back to the various cities to deliver those photos to complete your media contracts. Taking photos, locks up the Chaser’s dice so the more photos the Chasers take, the less dice they will have to use for their escape and delivery. This makes timely submission of their photos necessary to remain active in the chase. As the Storms, you will maneuver the storm tiles around the board to disrupt the chaser’s attempts to photograph the storms.

You will also utilize the tornado dreidel die to delay the Chaser’s progress and wreak havoc on the board. With the storms constantly in motion during the round, the Chaser’s will feel that they are actually chasing the storms in real-time.At the end of the game, players will add up their completed media contracts. Most points wins!

Mechanisms: Pick-up & Deliver, Set Collection, Real-Time Dice Rolling

About the designer: Dan recently relocated to Copenhagen with his family and works daily as an audit manager. While in Denmark, he has found a renewed desire to create board games, influenced stronglyby the innovation and passion of the local design community.Dan’s collection has reached well over 300+ board games -most of them catering to his preference of complex, yet elegant, euro-style games. When not playing or designing games, Dan loves talking about them as a co-host of the Podcast of Nonsensical Gamers. Favorite games include Terra Mystica, Village, T’zolkin and 7 Wonders.

Storm Chasers er et realtids pick-up & deliver-spil, hvor alle spillerne agerer samtidig og febrilsk kaster deres specialdesignede 6-sidede terninger og drøner rundt i landskabet, fotograferer storme og indfrier nyheds-og mediekontrakter.

Hver runde er der én af spillerne, der indtager rollen som stormene, mens de øvrige spillerne er jægerne. Som jæger bevæger du dig rundt på brættet og fotograferer storme og drøner tilbage til forskellige byer for at for at aflevere fotos og indfri dine mediekontrakter. Fotografier låser jægerens terninger, så jo flere fotos en jæger tager, jo færre terninger har de til at slippe sikkert væk og indlevere fotos. Derfor er det nødvendigt at få indleveret fotos på rette tid for at fortsat at være medi jagten.

Når du spiller stormene, flytter du stormbrikkerne rundt på brættet for at forhindre jægernes forsøg på at fotografere stormene.Du bruger også den fire-sidede tornado-snurretop til at forsinke jægerne og sprede ødelæggelse på brættet. Når stormene således er i konstant bevægelserunden igennem, vil jægerne føle at de faktisk jager storme i realtid.

Når spillet er slut, tæller spillernes deres færdiggjorte mediekontrakter op. Vinderen er den med flest point.

Mechanisms: Pick-up & Deliver, Set Collection, Real-Time Dice Rolling

Played at

Fastaval - Otto Under the Sea (2019)


Fastaval - Otto Under the Sea (2019)

Nominated, Bedste Innovation
Stormchasers er et vanvittigt kapløb om at få taget billeder af stormene uden at blive opslugt at tornadoen. Spillerne styrer deres biler rundt ved hjælp af real-time terninge-slag samtidig med at en af spillerne styrer tornadoen og stormene rundt for at ødelægge så meget de kan for de andres planer.

Stormchasers nomineres for dets nytænkende take på hvad man kan gøre med et pickup and deliver spil, alt imens at det presser sine spillere til det yderste i en hæsblæsende jagt, der kun kan gå for langsomt. Spillerne er ikke et sekundt i tvivl om deres rolle i dette stærkt tematiske spil.
Stormchasers is a crazy race to take pictures of the storms without being swallowed by the tornado. The players drive their cars around the board using real-time dice rolling while one of the players control the storms and tornadoes in an attempt to destroy all their plans.

Stormchasers is nominated for it’s innovative take on what you can do with a pickup and deliver game, while pressing its players to the brink in a fast-paced game that never slows down. The strong thematic lends zero doubt to the role the players take on.
Nominated, Bedste Brætspil
Stormchasers er et vanvittigt kapløb om at få taget billeder af stormene uden at blive opslugt at tornadoen. Spillerne styrer deres biler rundt ved hjælp af real-time terninge-slag samtidig med at en af spillerne styrer tornadoen og stormene rundt for at ødelægge så meget de kan for de andres planer.

Storm Chasers nomineres for simpelt og intuitivt spildesign der formår at få både pulsen og humøret helt op hos sine spillere. Spillet er nemt at gå til og glæden ved at fange sine modspillere med tornadoen som stormen gør begge oplevelser til en fornøjelse.
Stormchasers is a crazy race to take pictures of the storms without being swallowed by the tornado. The players drive their cars around the board using real-time dice rolling while one of the players control the storms and tornadoes in an attempt to destroy all their plans.

Storm Chasers is nominated for a simple and intuitive game-design, which manages to both stress and enjoy the players. The game is easy to play and the joy of trapping your opponents with the tornado, as the storm, make both experiences a pleasure.

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