RPG system: LARP
Genre: Drama
Participants: 12 players
✏️ | Jeppe Bergmann Hamming |
✏️ | Maria Bergmann Hamming |
Tallinn International Larp Festival (2017), Ehitajate tee 82, Tallinn, Estonia
Andrius Ūdra |
Stoori (2023), Game Room, Otaniemi, Espoo, Finland
Jukka Oksanen |
Scenario [Danish] | (0.6 MB) | |
Scenario, revised [English] | (0.6 MB) | |
Scenario [French] | (0.7 MB) |
Music – Art – Emotion
Twelve people in a café on Montmartre at the end of the 19th century – all entangled in issues of love, beauty, freedom and truth. Day after day they live out these issues through their art, trying desperately to break free or to find that one true love. Day after day goes past, and for each day another passed chance.
But tomorrow… tomorrow will be different…
Together we will create these 12 fates and live them out through the use of body, emotion, music and art rather than talking about it. We play with our bodies rather than our heads.
The scenario provides props and costumes needed for the scenario, but the player needs to bring a basic black set of clothes to wear.
Twelve people in a café on Montmartre at the end of the 19th century – all entangled in issues of love, beauty, freedom and truth. Day after day they live out these issues through their art, trying desperately to break free or to find that one true love. Day after day goes past, and for each day another passed chance.
But tomorrow… tomorrow will be different…
Together we will create these 12 fates and live them out through the use of body, emotion, music and art rather than talking about it. We play with our bodies rather than our heads.
Content Warnings: It is very physical so if you don’t like to move at all this will be a hard larp. But no trigger subjects and it is not hard physically.
Costume (optional): We will bring props for them. We prefer players to wear something basic black or white that they are not too sad about if they get paint on.
Presented by
Maria and Jeppe Bergmann Hamming (DK): Maria and Jeppe Bergmann Hamming are two Danish larp authors, who have created and played larps for over 20 years. They have a special interest in the use of music and movement in larp and with aesthetic strong experiences.
Victor træder ind ad døren til den lille cafe, han kender så godt. Som altid hilser han på Albert, mens han, forsvundet i sine egne tanker, bevæger sig frem mod den vante plads. Skridt for skridt bærer hans ben ham frem, som havde de deres egen vilje, indtil hans øjne møder hendes. Et kort øjeblik slår det pusten ud af ham, tankerne flyver igennem hans hoved, følelserne bruser igennem hans blod. Alle de drømme og planer, han har undfanget, fylder ham til bristepunktet med den uforløste længsel, som han ikke magter at handle på. Hans krop følger bare den vante rutine, trin som var de koreograferede, bringer ham frem til den ensomhed, han er fanget i. Men i morgen, der bliver det anderledes…
Sarabande er et livescenarie med krop, følelser og musik i centrum. Du skal være med til at udleve et dusin menneskers følelsesliv og personlige dramaer med kroppen frem for hovedet. Gennem musik og bevægelse skabes roller, relationer og konflikter, og gennem musik og bevægelse bringes rollernes indre liv frem.
Played at
Fastaval (2013)
Winner, Bedste Spiloplevelse
Nominated, Juryens Specialpris
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