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Graham Turner


✏️ The Wytch King's Sword LepreCon XXIII (2002)
✏️ Adventura Perpeptua Gaelcon (2004)
✏️ Light Against The Dark Gaelcon (2004)
✏️ Warhammer 40000 Gaelcon (2004)
✏️ Guardians of Peace LepreCon XXIX (2008)
✏️ Rouges Gallery Gaelcon (2008)
✏️ Startling Developments Gaelcon (2008)
✏️ Something is Rotten in the State of Ostermark Vaticon XV (2009)
✏️ The Deadliest Prey LepreCon XXXI (2010)
✏️ Enemies of Dune Gaelcon (2010)
✏️ Busman’s Horror Day LepreCon XXXII (2011)
Organizer How many Drakes does it take to sucker punch the Universe? Gaelcon (2011)
✏️ The Last Battlestar Gaelcon (2012)
✏️ Journey to the Centre of the Earth Itzacon IX - A world forgotten by time (2013)
✏️ The Wages of Sin LepreCon XXXVI (2015)
✏️ The Treaty of Tellemont Seven LepreCon XXXVII (2016)
✏️ WANTED! Cthulhu LepreCon XXXVII (2016)
✏️ No Good Deed Gaelcon (2016)
✏️ Novus Ordo Seculorum Gaelcon (2016)
✏️ It’s Better to Travel Hopefully LepreCon XXXVIII (2017)
✏️ Mysterious Ways Gaelcon (2021)


Gaelcon (2015)

Winner, Spirit of Gaelcon Award

Organizer roles

Gaelcon (2006) RPGs & LARPs
Gaelcon (2010) Secretary of elegant War from a more civilized age
Gaelcon (2011) Assistant Director
Gaelcon (2012) The Assistant Director with a dash of LARPs and RPGs

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