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Katie Tam


💾 Designer High Rise Hustle Fastaval - Føniks' genopstandelse (2022)


Fastaval - Føniks' genopstandelse (2022)

High Rise Hustle: Nominated, Bedste Innovation
Spillet nomineres for den tematiske implementering af bygningssimulation - en simulation der føres konsekvent gennem overflødighedshornet af komponenter, regler og mekanikker. Du skal hele tiden have forskellige, til tider næsten umulige, elementer til at spille sammen med en fasttømret bygningsplan. Vel at mærke, mens du får ordrer ind fra højre, der gør dine planer endnu mere besværlige når du både skal have plads til en altan, tagterasse og helikopterplads.

The game is nominated for its thematic implementation of building simulation – a simulation that runs consistently through a cornucopia of components, rules and mechanics. You need to constantly make different, sometimes impossible, elements integrate with your predestined building blueprint. All this while new tall orders are sprung at you, making your plans even more difficult to realise when you need room for both a balcony, a rooftop terrace and a helicopter pad.

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