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Jesper Dahl


Designer Amazing Lazy Merchants Fastaval - Solarpunk (2021)


Fastaval - Solarpunk (2021)

Amazing Lazy Merchants: Nominated, Bedste Innovation
Nomineres for at vende worker placement på hovedet. Et dynamisk bræt og stationære, måske endda helt forstenede arbejdere. Resultatet er en oplevelse, som til fulde lever op til spillets navn. Lige så snart spillet starter, bliver ethvert forsøg på at spille normal worker placement ødelagt, af de dovne arbejdere. Det kræver enorm indsats, bare for at få dem til at lave noget som helst brugbart.

Is nominated for turning worker placement on its head. A moving board and stationary, even sedentary, workers. The result: A game experience exactly like the title suggests. Once the game starts, any effort of trying to play a normal worker placement game is ruined by the lazy workers. Who require a massive effort, just to get them to do anything useful at all really...

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