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ALIEN: The Roleplaying Game

The ALIEN tabletop roleplaying game is presenting the world of ALIEN in the year 2183 and a fast and effective ruleset designed specifically to enhance the ALIEN experience. The rules of the game are based on the acclaimed Year Zero Engine, used in award-winning games such as Tales from the Loop and Mutant: Year Zero, but adapted and further developed to fully support and enhance the core themes of ALIEN: horror and action in the cold darkness of space.


A Simple Salvage Operation UK GamesExpo (2023)
Beauty is Not Only Skin Deep Mug & Game Games Day (2022)
Cargo AireCon 7 (2022)
💾 Cold Chamber Jacob Sørensen
Viking-Con 41 (2022)
FE Con (2022)
UniCon2 (2024)
Colony War AireCon 7 (2022)
💾 Den sista måltiden Mårten Forsmark
PåskConline (2021)
Påskcon VIII (2022)
Echo Darklight The Illusion Horror Con 2022 (2022)
Eclipse on LV-178 Con-Ducked (2023)
Empty Vessels Make No Noise A Gamers Gaming Getaway (2022)
Ett simpelt jobb HelCon 2022 Summer Edition (2022)
Fallout ConDensed (2023)
Förgörare av världar Andrew E.C Gaska
Påskcon IX (2023)
Sävcon XXII (2023)
ConDensed (2023)
💾 Förlorad signal Jörgen Niemi
GothCon XLVII (2024)
Gudarnas Vagn Andrew E.C Gaska
Påskcon VIII (2022)
Les Rencontres Rôlistes de l'X - XXV (2022)
SävCon XXI (2022)
UK GamesExpo (2023)
Con-Ducked (2023)
Home Sweet Home (GothCon XLIV) GothCon XLIV (2020)
Hoppets sista dagar Stockholm Scenario Festival (2019)
PåskCon VII (2020)
ÅbyCon Online (2021)
Dreieichcon World (2021)
AireCon 8 (2023)
Operation Dreamcatcher UK GamesExpo (2023)
💾 Perfect Organism  Steve Hatherley
Anders Bach Pedersen
AireCon 8 (2023)
Chop Con 2024 Rpg (2024)
Space Beast Claus Jørgensen
ChopCon (2020)
TBC ARCON 38: Multivertshuset (2022)
The Cargo Anders Bach Pedersen
Chopcon (2022)
The Cradle Bridgett Jeffries
The Illusion Horror Con 2022 (2022)
The Dig AireCon 8 (2023)
The Outpost Gary Tierney
ConDensed (2023)
The Perfect Organism Dragonmeet (2022)


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