Jakob Bang
50 Clues: Escape the Blast Zone | Fastaval - Føniks' genopstandelse (2022) | |||
50 Clues: Sunshine Island | Fastaval: Otto for folket (2023) |
Fastaval: Otto for folket (2023)
50 Clues: Sunshine Island: Nominerad, Bedst Formidlede Brætspil
50 Clues: Solskinsøen tager dig på en skæbnesvanger og gådefuld søgning efter din forsvundne søster. Designet er gennemført ned til mindste detalje, og spillets regler er så simple og ligetil, at det kan spilles uden nogen form for forberedelse. Dette gør spillet utroligt tilgængeligt og nemt at gå til, uanset om man er erfaren eller nybegynder. Spillet udfordrer spillernes kreativitet og evne til at tænke ud af boksen med nye og spændende gåder, som er den essentielle del i spillets plot. 50 Clues Solskinsøen bruger en intuitiv app, der følger spillerne igennem historien om Solskinsøen, hvilket gør spillet endnu mere spændende og engagerende.
50 Clues: Sunshine Island takes you on a fateful and mysterious search for your missing sister. The design is executed down to the smallest detail, and the game rules are so simple and straightforward that it can be played without any form of preparation. This makes the game incredibly accessible and easy to approach, regardless of whether you are experienced or a beginner. The game challenges players' creativity and ability to think outside the box with new and exciting puzzles, which are an essential part of the game's plot. 50 Clues Sunshine Island uses an intuitive app that guides players through the story, making the game even more exciting and engaging.
50 Clues: Sunshine Island takes you on a fateful and mysterious search for your missing sister. The design is executed down to the smallest detail, and the game rules are so simple and straightforward that it can be played without any form of preparation. This makes the game incredibly accessible and easy to approach, regardless of whether you are experienced or a beginner. The game challenges players' creativity and ability to think outside the box with new and exciting puzzles, which are an essential part of the game's plot. 50 Clues Sunshine Island uses an intuitive app that guides players through the story, making the game even more exciting and engaging.
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