50 Clues: Sunshine Island
(aka: 50 Clues: Solskinsøen)
Deltagare: 1-5 spelare
Jakob Bang | |
Jeppe Norsker | |
🎨 | Jeppe Norsker |
Med rystende hænder og tårer i øjnene åbner du den forseglede papkasse. Dag 8, står der på den. ”Hvis du ikke hører fra mig hver uge, er jeg i problemer.” Din søster afslørede ikke, hvad hendes mission gik ud på, men angsten i hendes blik var ikke til at tage fejl af. Det var noget særligt denne gang. Tag på en desperat redningsmission i rollen som Sigrid, der har mistet kontakten til sin søster.
Militæret har afskåret øen Bornholm fra resten af verden under mystiske omstændigheder. Du spiller hovedpersonen, Sigrid, som modtager en kryptisk besked fra sin søster, der trygler om hjælp. Hun forsker i biologiske kampstoffer, og du rejser alene til Bornholm i håbet om at redde hende, før det er for sent. Hvad du finder på øen viser sig at være langt mere forfærdeligt, end du havde frygtet.
Solskinsøen er en ny og selvstændig trilogi i 50 Clues serien. Det kræver ingen forberedelse at kaste sig ud i gådespillene. Når du har set 5 minutters video, er du klar til at begynde. Historien udfolder sig gennem tre episoder, som hver tager cirka 90 minutter at gennemføre.
Hvad er et 50 Clues spil?
50 Clues er gådespil, som du og dine venner løser sammen. Et slags “Escape room adventure in a box”. Spillene består af illustrerede kort og en tilhørende webapp.
Tid: 90 minutter pr. akt.
Spillere: 1 – 5
Sprog: Dansk / English
With shaking hands and teary eyes you open the sealed cardboard box. Day 8, it says on the label. "If you do not get a message from me each day for a week, I am in trouble." Your sister did not disclose what her mission was about, but the fear in her eyes was not to be mistaken. This time it was something special. Go on a desperate rescue mission in the roles of Sigrid, who has lost contact with her sister.
The military has isolated the island of Bornholm from the rest of the world under mysterious circumstances. You play the main character, Sigrid, who receives a cryptic message from her sister, pleading for help. She is doing research into biological warfare-drugs, and you travel alone to Bornholm in the hope of saving her before it is too late. What you find on the island turns out to be far more terrifying than you had feared.
Sunshine Island is a new and independent trilogy set in the 50 Clues series. No preparation is required to get started with the puzzle games. After watching the 5 minute tutorial video, you are ready to begin. The story unfolds through three episodes, each of which takes approximately 90 minutes to complete.
What is a 50 Clues game?
50 Clues is a puzzle game that you and your friends solve together. A kind of "Escape room adventure in a box". The games are played using illustrated cards and a companion app.
Time: 90 min per act
Players: 1 – 5
Language: Danish/ English
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Nominerad, Bedst Formidlede Brætspil
50 Clues: Sunshine Island takes you on a fateful and mysterious search for your missing sister. The design is executed down to the smallest detail, and the game rules are so simple and straightforward that it can be played without any form of preparation. This makes the game incredibly accessible and easy to approach, regardless of whether you are experienced or a beginner. The game challenges players' creativity and ability to think outside the box with new and exciting puzzles, which are an essential part of the game's plot. 50 Clues Sunshine Island uses an intuitive app that guides players through the story, making the game even more exciting and engaging.
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