Deltakere: 1 GM, 4 players
✏️ | Katrine Wind |
🎨 | Martin Franck |
📰 | Jesper Karkov |
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Scenarie [dansk] | (26,2 MB) | |
Scenarie [engelsk] | (118,4 MB) |
Marie er væk. For at redde hende rejser hendes fire venner gennem ruinerne af et Odense, der efter sygdommenes hærgen ikke ligner den verden, de voksede op i. Men hvordan ændrer de fire sig undervejs?
Stikord: Relationsdrama – Hårde valg – Flashbacks
Det hele er væk: Mennesker de kendte.. Internettet.. Rindende vand.. Marie. Sygdomme og kaos har spredt sig hurtigt, siden anti-vaxxerne fik ørenlyd, og tilliden til institutionerne er forduftet.
Scenariet udspiller sig som et relationsdrama i og omkring en dystopisk og fjendtlig
version af fremtids-Odense i år 2028. Tvillingerne Cecilia og Jasper, Cecilias kæreste Christian og Christians bedste ven Louise skal finde Marie, der er blevet kidnappet af den paramilitære gruppe Guardian Angels. Undervejs indser de, at rejsen ikke kun drejer sig om at finde Marie, men også hvem de er som mennesker nu. ‘2028’ handler om, hvordan gruppen håndterer en række brutale dilemmaer undervejs. Vil de stå fast på deres grundværdier eller gå på kompromis for at klare sig i den nye verden?
Som spiller får du billeder, noter og flashbackscener for at vide, hvem karakteren og gruppen var. Men det er op til dig, hvem din karakter er, når Danmark viser sig fra sin mørkeste side, og gamle sår rippes op.
Om forfatteren:
Katrine er førstegangsforfatter på Fastaval og elsker personligt drama.
Hun har tidligere arrangeret en række live-scenarier, f.eks. de Game of Thrones-inspirerede
Victorious scenarier, changeling-trilogien Lost in Dublin og vampire-kampagnen Kongernes by.
Marie is gone. To save her, her four friends travel through the ruins of the city of Odense, that has been ravaged by diseases and chaos. But how will the four of them change during their journey?
Keywords: Interpersonal drama – Tough choices – Flashbacks
Everything is gone: The people they knew… the Internet… running water… Marie. After the anti-vaxxers gained the ear of the public, and trust in public institutions evaporated, diseases and chaos spread quickly.
The scenario plays out as an interpersonal drama in and around a dystopic and hostile future version of the city of Odense, in the year 2028. The twins Cecilia and Jasper, Cecilia’s boyfriend Christian, and Christian’s best friend Louise, must find Marie, who has been kidnapped by the paramilitary organisation Guardian Angels. Along the way, they realise that the goal of the journey is not just finding Marie, but also finding out who they as people have become. ‘2028’ deals with the group’s handling of a series of brutal dilemmas on their journey. Will they stand firm on their core values, or compromise to get by in the new world?
As a player, you will be given pictures, notes, and flash-back scenes to get to know who your character and the group were. But it’s up to you who your character is when Denmark shows itself from its darkest side, and old wounds are reopened.
About the author:
Katrine is a first time writer for Fastaval and loves interpersonal drama. Over the years, she has co-written and organized a number of larps, including the “Victorious”-series, the changeling triology “Lost in Dublin” and the vampire campaign “The city of Kings”.
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Fastaval - Otto Under the Sea (2019) | |
♻ | Stockholm Scenario Festival (2019) |
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