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Bodensee Tourismus

Forside til Bodensee Tourismus


DesignerAndreas Esbech


Byg turistattraktioner og lok turister til – eller endnu bedre, få konkurrenterne til at lokke turister hen til dine attraktioner – så du kan tømme deres lommer og få indflydelse på, hvad der skal give point til sidst i spillet.

I Bodensee Tourismus sætter spillerne sig i stolen som chef for et udspekuleret rejsebureau. Hver spiller står for at få bygget attraktioner og få transporteret turister rundt om Bodensøen. Spillerne konkurrerer om at få fat i turisternes penge og anmeldelser før de andre. Turisterne er interesseret i fire typer attraktioner, natur, vand, kultur og gastronomi, hvor man for hver type kan tilbyde bedre (og dyrere) attraktioner med tiden.

I sin tur spiller man et eller to kort og udfører den handling, som fremgår af kortet. Handlingerne gør det muligt at flytte på busser og dermed få turisterne til at besøge de attraktioner i den by de ankommer til eller bygge nye attraktioner for at kunne lokke andre typer turister til byen. Den bedste situation vil være at man selv bygger og ens modspillere fragter turister til ens attraktioner, men oftest vil spillerne skulle tage valg der også hjælper ens modspillere.

Når man formår at ruinere en turist, anmelder turisten din attraktion og man får, blandt andet, muligheden for at få flere point, men man får også muligheden for at bestemme hvilke ting der skal give point og til hvem.

Build attractions and lure in tourists – or even better, make your opponents lure the tourists to your attractions – so you can empty their pockets and influence the end game scoring.

In Bodensee Tourismus the players take on the role as a boss of a scrupulous travel agency. Each player is in charge of building attractions and have tourists transported around the Bodensee (Lake Constance). The players compete to get a hold of the tourists’ money and reviews before everyone else. The tourists are interested in four types of attractions: nature, water, culture and gastronomy, where you can offer better (and more expensive) attractions for each type later in the game.

On their turn players play one or two cards and do the action on the card. The actions make it possible to move busses and get tourists to visit the attractions in the city they’ve just arrived in or build new attractions to help lure other types of tourists to the city. The best situation would be where you build attractions and one’s opponents transport the tourists to your attractions, but more likely than not the players will make choices that also benefits their opponents.

When you manage to ruin a tourist, they will review your attraction and you get, amongst other things, the possibility of more points, but also a choice of which things should score points at the end of the game.

About the designer: Andreas Esbech
In his day job Andreas is a lawyer. A dry career that has given birth to a love of dry games. As a designer he works mostly with eurogames, but his focus is on the social element and his games will try and create as much interaction among the players as possible. His favourite games count amongst others Concordia, Viticulture and Flamm Rouge.
It is the first time that Andreas has dabbled with board game design and it is the first time he is a participant at Fastaval

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Fastaval - Otto Under the Sea (2019)

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