Vi var hvepse
(alias: We Were WASP)
System: Systemløst
Sjanger: Drama
Deltakere: 1 GM, 4 players
✏️ | Ann Kristine Eriksen |
📰 | Claus Raasted |
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Scenarie [dansk] | (9 MB) |
Scenarie [engelsk] | (8,5 MB) |
Livet kan forandres meget på halvandet år. Dengang var de unge håbefulde, med flycertifikater og fædrelandskærlighed. Nu sidder de sammen i tavshed, mens motorerne brøler og skyerne glider forbi. Det er den sidste flyvetur de har sammen. Det er den sidste flyvetur de har nogensinde. De har oplevet hån og spot. De har sat deres liv på spil uden tak. De har fundet identitet og en plads i verden. Det er blevet taget fra dem igen. Men ingen kan tage deres kærlighed til flyvningen. Ingen kan tage deres stolthed. Ingen kan tage deres venskab. De er hvepse.
Vi var Hvepse er et scenarie om fire kvinder fra flyverkorpset WASP (Women Airforce Service Pilots). Under anden verdenskrig kalder onkel Sam unge kvinder med flycertifikat til en base i Arizona. Halvandet år senere er korpset blevet opløst og det er tid til den sidste flyvetur. Her starter scenariet. De fire hovedpersoner skal flyve et B-29 Superfortress bombefly tværs over USA. Undervejs på turen spiller man en række flashback scener, hvor hovedpersonerne mindes deres tid sammen. En tid hvor de hverken var civile eller en del af det etablerede militær. Hvor omverden havde kaldt dem til hjælp, men ikke ønskede at kendes ved dem. Og hvor de fandt rum til at følge deres livslange drømme. I flyet oppe blandt skyerne, hvor maskinen ikke reagerer på køn, kun evner.
December 1944. A B-29 Superfortress bomber flies towards an air force base in Arizona. The plane’s further destination is unkown to its pilots. Four women sit in the cockpit. For the last year and a half, they have sacrificed themselves for a nation at war.
August 1943. The same four women meet in a barrack in Texas. To the outside world, they are unknown, to the war, they are unwanted, and to the US army they are a necessary evil. They will each endure insults, distrust, and ridicule. Through the war, they will find kindred spirits in each other, and together they will be invincible. No matter what else might occur, they will always have their memories of the plane. The unfathomable, tactile sense of flying as the only refuge of absolute freedom. High-flying, anxiety provoking, discouraging, untamable, deepfelt, wild. Friends in arms, always. Resistance is something to overcome. Life is, until it ends.
Sisterhood – Flying – Oppression
They do not know it yet, but their lives will change during the next year and a half. Right now they are young and full of hope. Flight certificates and patriotism. They don’t know that they will endure mockery. They will risk their lives and they will have to do it without gratitude. They will struggle to make people not denial their undeniable flying skills. They will have to find support in each other if they are to survive. But they will also find identity and a place in the world. And no one can take away their love of flying. No one can take their pride. And no one can take their friendship. They are wasps.
We Were W.A.S.P is a scenario about four women from the aviation organization W.A.S.P. – Women Airforce Service Pilots. Uncle Sam calls young women with flight certificates to a base in Arizona during the second world war. In a time where they were neither civilians nor part of the established air force. Where society called out for their help, but refused to recognize their contribution. Where they found a place to live out their lifelong dream. In the airplane in the sky, where the machine only responds to skill, not sex.
Ann Eriksen is 27 and studies History of Art when not involved in roleplaying. She has previouly organized small larps and larpconventions in Denmark but We Were W.A.S.P.s is her first Fastaval style freeformgame. For the game Ann made a lot of research about airplanes and pilots, but in real life she hates flying.
Spilt på
Fastaval (2014) | |
♻ | Stockholm Scenario Festival (2014) |
♻ | Viking-Con 34 (2015) |
Fastaval (2014)
Nominated, Bedste Roller
Nominated, Bedste Fortælling
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