Eksil fra verden
(alias: Exile)
Sjanger: Novellescenarie
Deltakere: 1 GM, 3 players
✏️ | Asbjørn Olsen |
📰 | Lars Kaos Andresen |
Ropecon XX (2013), Otaniemi, Espoo, Finland
Oliver Nøglebæk | |
Asbjørn Olsen |
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Scenarie [dansk] | (1,2 MB) |
Scenarie [engelsk] | (4,6 MB) |
A sidder alene i sin lejlighed. Kigger ud gennem vinduet, og ser en skikkelse i lejligheden overfor, der gør rent. Skikkelsen stopper op, og det ser ud som om den kigger imod A. A dukker hovedet, nærmest panisk. Det går aldrig godt når A kommer i kontakt med andre mennesker. Det er ikke fordi A ikke vil snakke med andre mennesker, men det er bare svært. Og det er også som om at de ikke rigtig vil snakke med A. Måske fordi A aldrig rigtig får sagt noget.
Et andet sted, i en anden tid, går A igennem mørket. Det er snart længe siden at solen gik ned for sidste gang. Det er snart længe siden at A har set solen. Det er koldt og mørkt, og A har ikke set nogle mennesker i meget lang tid. Ved siden af A hopper den hvide kat fra det ene biltag til det andet. Bag ved sig kan A hører sin skygge diskutere med ensomheden selv. De savner vist alle solen. Katten fortæller den kan se en skikkelse i horisonten. Alle fryser og bliver helt stille.
Eksil fra verden handler om ensomhed og mørke. Tonen er dyster, melankolsk og surrealistisk, men med et glimt af håb. Spilstilen skifter imellem fortællespil om A i storbyen, og karakterspil i en fremtid hvor solen gik ned og aldrig stod op igen. Eksil fra verden er for dig der godt kan lide en langsom, underlig og dvælende stil, og som ikke har noget imod at spille et begreb, en skygge eller en kat.
Spillet er for 1 spilformidler og 3 spillere. Scenariet er en novelle, og tager derfor ikke mere end 2 timer.
Bleak – Surreal – Loneliness
Exile is all about loneliness and darkness. It is the game for you if you like a ponderous, peculiar and deliberate style and will not mind playing a concept, a shadow or a cat.
The tone is bleak, melancholic and surreal – but with a glimmer of hope. Play sometimes takes the shape of narrating a shared story, other times the players play characters in a future where the sun set and never rose again. There are no real goals for the characters in Exile, and the game is all about that feeling in the dark.
A is alone in his apartment. Looking out through the window, noticing a silhouette in the apartment across the street. The silhouette stops, and turns towards A. A crouches, almost panicky. It never turns out well when A comes into contact with other people. It is not because A doesn't want to talk, it is just hard. And it seems like they never really want to talk to A. Maybe it is because A never gets to say anything.
In another time, or another world, A is walking through the darkness. It has been a long while since the Sun went down for the last time. It is cold, it is dark, and it has been a long while since A has seen other people. Next to A, The White Cat jumps from one car roof to the next. A can hear Shadow and Loneliness Itself are in the middle of a discussion. Everyone here is missing the Sun. The White Cat notices a silhouette in the horizon, and warns everybody. They all freeze and it is suddenly very quiet.
Exile is a short game about loneliness. The tone is gloom and poetic, but with a hint of hope. The playstyle switches between storytelling about A alone ad confused in the city and character play in a future where the Sun went down and never came back up. Exile is your kind of game if you like a slow and strange vibe, and if you don't mind playing a cat, a concept or a shadow.
Exile won the 2012 scenario competition on Forum. The jury from Forum 2012 writes the following about the game: "Eksil fra verden (Exile from the world) is a solid and well-rounded scenario which guides the players using simple warm-up exercises, well-chosen techniques and a beautiful final scene. It is a touching, challenging and player-controlled narrative which deals with a complicated subject in a poetic way. It is a powerful image of solitude, when A and his strange friends share the last can of tuna in the world."
Spilt på
Forum (2012) | |
♻ | Grenselandet (2012) |
♻ | Ude af ConTrol^2 (2013) |
♻ | Ropecon XX (2013) |
♻ | Stockholm Scenario Festival (2013) |
Forum (2012)
Winner, Projekt Særimner
- Vandt førstepræmien i scenariekonkurrencen på Forum 2012
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