... and Good Riddance!
System: Apocalyze
Deltakere: 1 GM, 3 players
✏️ | Malik Hyltoft |
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Scenarie [engelsk] | (1,7 MB) |
Where did everybody go? Why not you?
You are alone with your own thoughts - locked up in your own head with no one to talk to, no one to share your life with and far too much world to go around. Your only companions are your memories of a past that makes little sense and your aspirations for a future that holds less promise.
... and good riddance is not a story about survival. It is emphatically about being alone. Only one character is in play at a time, all other players play inner voices or participate in flash backs.
The story is written within the system Apocalyze, which will be available to players prior to the game. Knowledge of the system is not imperative for participation.
All game materials are written in English. Sessions will be held in Danish to the extent that purely Danish speaking groups can be constructed. All other groups are expected to play in English.
Spilt på
Conspiration II (2009) | |
Fastaval (2009) |
- Programsat som spiltest på Conspiration II
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