By the Trail Of The Undead
System: FATE Morts (FATE Core)
Deltakere: 1 GM, 4-6 players
✏️ | Gerry McEvoy |
50 years after necromantic magic appeared and the ensuing zombie apocalypse,humanity has gotten it’s act together. The remaining cities are walled and fenced, the sentient undead are taxpaying citizens and the organisation that protects humanity from the hostile undead, The Morticians, are widely considered a drain on
resources. A team of Morticians that infiltrated the undead city of Seattle has radioed in. apparently the apocalypse was just the start of humanities problems.
You’re part of hastily assembled team that is being dispatched deep into the apocalyptic wasteland to confirm or deny the threat’s existence and stop it if possible.
A Morts (Fate Core) game for 4 – 6 players by Gerry McEvoy.
Rating: Teen
Tags: Post apocalyptic. Adventure.
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Gaelcon (2016) |
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