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Tales of Toholon: Virtue of the Vicious

System: Savage Worlds


✏️Shane Carr


Brothers and Sisters! The time for our Revolution is upon us at last! While your fellows fight to take the parliament and free our leader from his unjust imprisonment, your task will be greater still. Tomorrow, when the signal is given, you will avenge the dishonour done to us, by killing the man who engineered the Shogun’s arrest to cover up his own corruption. He has hidden himself amongst those so-called ‘heroes’ in G-Force, the trumped-up lizard-hunters who usurped our rightful place as this nations guardians. Now he will pay, and the false patriots will know their place.
Assault their base, take back the weapons that should have been ours, and slay the villain Ogomo. Let the people know who their true heroes are. Our time has come once more!
Rating: T
Tags: Steampunk, Action

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Gaelcon (2015)

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