L’Economia Sanguinosa
System: Vampire: The Masquerade
Deltakere: 1 GM, 6 players
✏️ | Ray O'Mahony |
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It´s 1929, and prohibition is still in full swing. In the city of Chicago gang violence, bootlegging and vice are rampant. All this is accepted as truth, but even as you check the bullets in your gun, don your coat and hat to head out into the night, you know there´s more. Everything in the Windy City has been carefully orchestrated by a family that influences gangs all across America, hell, all across the globe. The Family hail from the old world, Italy, or Sicily maybe. Their plan is far reaching, and there´s more than riches at stake. Becoming a member is a heavily ritualised affair which is performed at elaborate gatherings, only those who are truly worthy of note are invited. Luckily, you´ve got a unique set of skills, and your embrace into the Giovanni Family is virtually guaranteed this year. A Vampire: The Masquerade (Ghouls) game for 6 players This game is for over 18.
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Warpcon XX (2010) |
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