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Strike Force Zero

(alias: Kindred of the East)

System: World of Darkness


✏️Ray O'Mahony

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A cold fear creeps across your heart as you read the latest reports. Reports are what they should be, but over the last few months they've simply become casualty lists.

Strike Force Zero The Japanese governments intelligence branch charged with uncovering the supernatural, has gained the notice of those in high places. Unlike many of your fellow agents, who are blissful in their ignorance, you've seen the horrors of the Kuei-jin first hand.

They are powerful and ancient foes that stalk the nights of The Middle Kingdom while shrouded in mystery and myth. Like the parasites they are they steal the life energy of other beings as they are unable to create their own, and they enjoy the pain, derangement and death it causes in their victims.

They are The Ten Thousand Demons, who have returned from Hell to blight the Ailing Land, and your mortal organisation has awakened their wrath. A cold fear creeps across your heart.

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Warpcon XVII (2007)

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