Wizards of the Toast
System: Savage Worlds (Pathfinder for Savage Worlds)
Kevin Doswell |
Ten years! You been stuck in this world for ten years! You thought you were home, you'd redeemed Venger and left to go home, but something went wrong, before you could set foot on earth, there was an explosion, Tiamat attacked Dungeon Master and Venger, the cenotaph exploded and you were cast into the Abyss.
When you awoke you found yourself on a new world, this was similar to the Realm but different, this world was ruled by a Corporation - The Wizards of the Toast, they had grown to power by selling collectable muffins that were used in their game Muffin Gathering, they released the Open Baking License this allowed anybody to make their own fresh baked goods without license or need for royalty fees, this caused an literal food explosion, there were breads and cakes of all varieties; some good quite a few seemed hasty put together, but the expansive selection catered for all.
Then things started to change Wizards of the Toast released a new License, the Bun system License, this meant only bun related products could be made, a few bakers adapted but many went off and made their own new recipes that competed with the Wizards.
By then Hasbrodeus had taken control and earlier this year he revoked the open baking license, this meant from now on, only Wizards of the Coast could make baked goods, Bakers faced ruined.
This was when Fairy Berry approached you and told you she thinks she has found a way to get you home, it seems that Hasbrodeus may have a key in his office that can open any door, if you can get that, then the in the City of Doors you could finally find your way home...
Bobby, Diana, Eric, Hank, Presto and Sheila are still trying to get back to earth, in this tongue-in-cheek poke at the worlds most famous RPG, pre-gens provided, no previous experience required.
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UK GamesExpo (2023) |
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