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Comfy Architect Lottery of Magic: Extreme Snuggle Tiles

(alias: ✨🧚 Comfy Architect Lottery of Magic: Extreme Snuggle Tiles 🏠)

System: LARP
Deltakere: 12 players

Arrangert av

Cozy Games


✏️Cadence Schwartz
✏️John Schwartz

Intercon U: Ultraviolet (2023), Crowne Plaza, Warwick, Rhode Island, USA

ArrangørCadence Schwartz
ArrangørJohn Schwartz

Summer Larpin' (2023), Boxboro Regency, Boxborough, Massachusetts, USA

ArrangørCadence Schwartz (GM)


*Hey, it’s your old pal Cuddle Fairy, here to tell you that you have won the fairy lottery and get to design your own house to your own personal aesthetic! Oh yeah, and 11 other people have also won. Why? Sometimes people have the same soul-length. No one knows why. So, you all won!*

*Well, we only have enough magic to make one house. So, better get to working together on the design. I'm sure none of you have different ideas of what a perfect comfy house should be! Everything will go smoothly… and with superpowers!*

This is a game about image board Choose Your Own Adventures (CYOA) and the typical tropes within. There will be a lot of choices that don’t really affect much but your own happiness, #aesthetics, and becoming a little girl.

Gameplay will consist of communally designing a house with room tiles that will be earned during game, CYOA mini-games, and in-character interactions. Costuming is **strongly encouraged** as every character has a unique trope-y #aesthetic to show off (ex: angel, wizard, mecha pilot, etc).

Hey, it’s your old pal Cuddle Fairy, here to tell you that you have won the fairy lottery and get to design your own house to your own personal aesthetic! Oh yeah, and 11 other people have also won. Why? Sometimes people have the same soul-length. No one knows why. So, you all won! Well, we only have enough magic to make one house. So, better get to working together on the design. I’m sure none of you have different ideas of what a perfect comfy house should be! Everything will go smoothly… and with superpowers!

This is a game about image board Choose Your Own Adventures (CYOA) and the typical tropes within. There will be a lot of choices that don’t really affect much but your own happiness, #aesthetics, and becoming a little girl.

Gameplay will consist of communally designing a house with room tiles that will be earned during game, CYOA mini-games, and in-character interactions. Costuming is strongly encouraged as every character has a unique trope-y #aesthetic to show off (ex: angel, wizard, mecha pilot, etc).

Participant communications
* Communication will be done over email.
* Casting form.
* Pre-written Characters.
* Character Sheets sent before convention.

Content warnings
Possible husbandos and waifus, snacks acting as in-game items (optional to eat), and optionally becoming a little girl. No explicit adult content.

Physical Restrictions: Lots of in-game reading, some of which is small text. Working with a tile-based map.

Spilt på

Intercon U: Ultraviolet (2023)
Summer Larpin' (2023)

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