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System: LARP
Deltakere: 10-16 players, Male characters: 8-11, Female characters: 2-5

Arrangert av

Interactivities Ink, Limited


✏️Mike Young

Intercon J (2010), Chelmsford, Massachusetts, USA

ArrangørDavid Lichtenstein
ArrangørMike Young

Dramatic Consequences (2010), Naish Holiday Village, Christchurch, Dorset, Storbritannia

ArrangørSue Lee
ArrangørMik Reed

Intercon M (2013), USA

ArrangørAnna Bradley
ArrangørKim Sward
ArrangørJesse Wertheimer

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Kirk/Spock Snape/Potter Buffy/Angel/Giles/Willow Mary Sue/Everyone

Something strange is going on. A Hellmouth has opened up in scenic Mount Laurel, New Jersey. Groups from all over space and time have come to investigate and try to close it. But it has already released a demon that will need to be defeated. And the demon is causing people to behave... strangely.

Join us as we explore the world of _really bad_ internet fan fiction.

_Slash will contain adult themes and situations and is not suitable for players under the age of eighteen_

A Hellmouth has opened in Mount Laurel, New Jersey and sixteen well known characters have come from across space and time to close it.

Snape/Harry. Kirk/Spock. Angel/Xander. MarySue/everyone.

A very silly and brain breaking game.

This game contains sexually explicit situations and themes and is not intended for people under the age of 18.

Kirk/Spock Snape/Potter Buffy/Angel/Giles/Willow Mary Sue/Everyone

Something strange is going on. A Hellmouth has opened up in scenic Mount Laurel, New Jersey. Groups from all over space and time have come to investigate and try to close it. But it has already released a demon that will need to be defeated. And the demon is causing people to behave... strangely.

Join us as we explore the world of really bad internet fan fiction.

Slash will contain adult themes and situations and is not suitable for players under the age of eighteen

Winner of the LARPA Small Game Contest 2010.
(Although it should be noted that it was the only entrant)

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Intercon J (2010)
Dramatic Consequences (2010)
Intercon M (2013)

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