Underdog's Tavern
System: LARP
Deltakere: 15-25 players
✏️ | Jim MacDougal |
✏️ | Kelly Diane MacDougal |
Welcome to Underdog's tavern and the annual Good Guys/Bad Guys Fete.
Every year all the Supers on both sides of the fence come together to let off steam and have a little fun. This morning was the black/white softball game. Once again the Chicago suburb of Inverness has survived with only minimal damage to the park grounds where the game was held. It was record year for the balls though, one hundred and forty balls were needed for the twelve inning game; that's eighteen more than the previous record.
This year's fete is being held at Under Dog's Tavern. Under Dog's is run by Galen Tweak a long time friend and fan of Super Heroes. There is one hard and fast rule for tonight: No one may attack or otherwise use their powers against another in the bar. Tonight is about detente. There are always a few brave or foolish souls who try to push this rule, but Galen is far stricter than Blackie, the owner of Blackie's Tavern. Everyone needs to be on their best behavior.
There are a number of events scheduled for tonight. So everyone needs to come with their best friendly face as they set aside personal problems for an evening of fun.
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