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The Escape: Part II

System: A Light Hearted-Sci Fi Game using a Homebrew System for six baby dinos
Deltakere: 1 GM, 6 players


ArrangørRowland Cooper


“So you broke out of your cages, navigated your way past your captors and their metal beasts, and fought your way past the herd of nasty creatures trying to stop you from leaving, and you emerge from the transparent wall and take your first breaths of outside air. It seems…cleaner. Your cage air smelled… of nothing. But this! This smells… like life!

But you’re not free yet. From the metal and rock nest behind you, you hear a high-pitched howl as something inside alerts the rest of those creatures still in the nest of your daring escape! You dash into the undergrowth and hide; and plan how to escape once again.

A game for 6 baby dinos trying to escape the compound they were made in.”

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Gaelcon (2021)

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