Daniel Olai
Fantasy Planet | Fastaval: Otto for folket (2023) | |||
Onomatopoets | LinCon (2024) | |||
Door and Back Again | Fastaval - Jurassic Otto - An Adventure into the Ancestral Ties of Otto (2025) |
Fastaval: Otto for folket (2023)
Fantasy Planet: Winner, Bedst Formidlede Brætspil
Fantasy Planet er, som navnet næsten siger, sci-fi og fantasy i en vidunderlig blanding! Fantasy Planet er et dejligt komplekst spil, som gennem dets formidling af regler og gennemførte ikonografi sikrer flowet igennem spillets mange spændende muligheder.
Spillets player aids sikrer at du har et overblik over racernes muligheder og spillets mekanikker, som gør at du ikke har brug for at bruge regelbogen i løbet af spillet. Disse giver dig også et godt overblik over både dit eget og modstanderens deck, samt hvordan en runde forløber. Alt i alt et forbilledligt eksempel på player aids.
Fantasy Planet is, as the name suggests, a wonderful mix of sci-fi and fantasy! It is a delightfully complex game that, through its clear rules and consistent iconography, ensures a smooth flow through the game's many exciting possibilities. The game's player aids provide an overview of each race's abilities and the game's mechanics, making it unnecessary to consult the rulebook during the game. They also give you a good overview of both your own and your opponent's deck, as well as how a round progresses. All in all, it is an exemplary example of player aids.
Spillets player aids sikrer at du har et overblik over racernes muligheder og spillets mekanikker, som gør at du ikke har brug for at bruge regelbogen i løbet af spillet. Disse giver dig også et godt overblik over både dit eget og modstanderens deck, samt hvordan en runde forløber. Alt i alt et forbilledligt eksempel på player aids.
Fantasy Planet is, as the name suggests, a wonderful mix of sci-fi and fantasy! It is a delightfully complex game that, through its clear rules and consistent iconography, ensures a smooth flow through the game's many exciting possibilities. The game's player aids provide an overview of each race's abilities and the game's mechanics, making it unnecessary to consult the rulebook during the game. They also give you a good overview of both your own and your opponent's deck, as well as how a round progresses. All in all, it is an exemplary example of player aids.
Fantasy Planet: Winner, Bedste Brætspil
Fantasy-fraktionerne kæmper om dominans over Fantasy Planet, hvor planeten konstant tilpasses i et forsøg på at give den fordel, der kan give overtaget. Det er et spil som med sin overlegne og elegante sammensætning af flere elementer giver en spiloplevelse hvor man med sin fraktions leder føler sig som den drivende kraft i kampen for mana og herredømmet over planeten. Spillets elementer og de seks veldesignede racer, gør at hver spilgang giver grobund for nye ideer og strategier og på den måde, er det et spil som i den grad formår at give spilleren lyst til at spille en gang til. Kreative elementer som Manaspiret, gør at spillet ikke bliver fastlåst, og at man selv i kampens hede har mulighed for at vende slagets gang.
The fantasy factions are fighting for dominance over Fantasy Planet, where the planet is constantly adapting in an attempt to give the advantage that can tip the scales. The game's superior and elegant combination of multiple elements creates a gaming experience where, as a faction leader, you feel like the driving force in the battle for mana and control over the planet. The game's elements and the six well-designed races makes it possible for each game session to test new ideas and strategies, making it a game that truly makes the player want to play again. Creative elements like the Manaspire ensure that the game doesn't become stagnant, and that even in the heat of battle, there's always the chance to turn the tide.
The fantasy factions are fighting for dominance over Fantasy Planet, where the planet is constantly adapting in an attempt to give the advantage that can tip the scales. The game's superior and elegant combination of multiple elements creates a gaming experience where, as a faction leader, you feel like the driving force in the battle for mana and control over the planet. The game's elements and the six well-designed races makes it possible for each game session to test new ideas and strategies, making it a game that truly makes the player want to play again. Creative elements like the Manaspire ensure that the game doesn't become stagnant, and that even in the heat of battle, there's always the chance to turn the tide.
Fantasy Planet: Nominated, Bedste Innovation
På Fantasy Planet kæmper unikke fraktioner om herredømmet i en sci-fi fantasy verden. De asymmetriske fraktioner har hver deres spilstil og taktik, og føles som vidt forskellige racer. Manipulation af terrænet danner kernen i det komplekse spil, hvor vilkårene konstant forandrer sig, og alle valg føles essentielle for både din strategi og dine vinderchancer. Terrænmanipulationen er gennemgribende og giver følelsen af, at store kræfter er på spil - de enten hjælper dig eller kæmper mod dig. Det evigt foranderlige terræn tvinger dig til konstant kæmpe for at skabe dig en plads i verden, i din races billede.
On Fantasy Planet, unique factions battle for dominance in a sci-fi fantasy world. The asymmetrical factions each have their own play style and tactics, and feel like vastly different races. Terrain manipulation forms the core of this complex game, where conditions constantly change, and every decision feels essential for both your strategy and your chances of winning. The terrain manipulation is thorough and gives the feeling that great powers are at play, either helping you or fighting against you. The ever-changing terrain forces you to constantly fight to carve out a place for yourself in the world, in the image of your race.
On Fantasy Planet, unique factions battle for dominance in a sci-fi fantasy world. The asymmetrical factions each have their own play style and tactics, and feel like vastly different races. Terrain manipulation forms the core of this complex game, where conditions constantly change, and every decision feels essential for both your strategy and your chances of winning. The terrain manipulation is thorough and gives the feeling that great powers are at play, either helping you or fighting against you. The ever-changing terrain forces you to constantly fight to carve out a place for yourself in the world, in the image of your race.
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