Benjamin Borød
Den Magiske Skole Aarhus | |||||
💾 | ✏️ | Forhandling og Forfald | Fastaval: Otto for folket (2023) | ||
Magisk Turnering - Et fortryllende sommerrollespil | Epos, Augustenborg, Danmark (2023) | ||||
Magisk Turnering 2024 | Efterskolen Epos, Danmark (2024) |
Fastaval: Otto for folket (2023)
Forhandling og Forfald: Nominated, Juryens Specialpris
Når kongens råd skal beslutte rigets fremtid, er det en kæmpe kabale, som skal gå op. Hvert valg får historien til at forgrene sig og kræver nyt omfattende materiale til spillerne. Det er en imponerende bedrift, som minder om et avanceret kampagnebrætspil, men samtidig er der hele tiden fokus på, hvad det gør for rollerne og deres samspil.
When the king’s council decides on the future of the kingdom, all the pieces must fit together. Every choice makes the story branch out, which requires new material for the players. It’s an impressive feat that feels like an advanced campaign board game, but the focus is always on how the choices impact the characters and their interactions.
When the king’s council decides on the future of the kingdom, all the pieces must fit together. Every choice makes the story branch out, which requires new material for the players. It’s an impressive feat that feels like an advanced campaign board game, but the focus is always on how the choices impact the characters and their interactions.
Forhandling og Forfald: Nominated, Deltagernes Pris, Rollespil (Delt tredjeplads)
Forum | (2022) | Info |
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