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Bohemian Rhapsody

Front page for Bohemian Rhapsody

Genre: Drama
Participants: 1 GM, 5 players


✏️Muriel Algayres
🎨Caroline Garoscio


PDF Scenariet (med roller på dansk) [Danish] (3.6 MB)
PDF Scenario [English] (3.5 MB)


The scenario tells the story of a rock band during their 25 years together, their friendship, hardships and success. It is a story that ends in tragedy as one of the band kills themselves, ending their story for good.

This story is told almost entirely in a musical documentary, which presents its own unreliable version of the events and characters. The core of the game is a series of flashback scenes. In-between scenes, the present day characters can comment or contradict the retelling and oppose their own version of the story.

The game is also a musical game. A monologue technique using lyrics from famous songs and background music allows for a character to take control of the scene and decide of its outcome. The scenario therefore plays as a musical, where music supports the action and moves the narration forward.

The theme of the game revolves around drama, interpersonal relationship and a commentary on the unreliable nature of storytelling.

Scenariet fortæller historien om et rockband i deres 25 år sammen, deres venskab, vanskeligheder og succes. Det er en historie, der ender i tragedie, da en af bandmedlemmerne dræber sig selv og uigenkaldeligt afslutter deres historie.

Dette scenarie fortælles næsten udelukkende i en musikalsk dokumentar, der præsenterer sin egen upålidelige version af begivenhederne og karakterer. Kernen af spillet er en række flashback-scener. Mellem scener kan nutidens karakterer kommentere eller modsætte sig genfortællingen og selvmodsige deres egen version af historien.

Spillet er også et musikalsk spil. En monologteknik bygget på tekster fra berømte sange og baggrundsmusik giver en karakter mulighed for at tage kontrol over scenen og beslutte dens udfald. Scenariet spilles derfor som en musical, hvor musik understøtter handlingen og bevæger fortællingen fremad.

Spillets tema drejer sig om drama, mellemmenneskeligt forhold og en kommentar til historiefortællingens upålidelige karakter.

Played at

Fastaval - Otto in Space (2020)

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