Genre: Sci-Fi
Participants: 1 GM, 3-5 players
✏️ | Denise Brødløs Færge |
Scenario [Danish] | (0.8 MB) |
Once again an accurate description of the scientists is spoken, as the scene is played back once again. A woman’s trembling voice continues her tale of how the scientists observe her again and again. The slight mumbling amongst the scientist dies out, as one of them pauses the scene and states in shocked shortness “I think we have just altered time…”
Pastwatch is about a group of historians in a near future, who works at an institution called Pastwatch. The historians uses so called pastwatch machines to study and write down how history actually unfolded. A brand new model has just been installed, but unfortunately it shows up to have some consequent effects, which the team experiences. They will have to decide whether how to act on these.
Scenen bliver startet forfra og endnu engang følger en nøjagtig beskrivelse af forskerne. Kvindes stemme skælver, da hun fortsætter med en beskrivelse af, hvordan forskerne iagttager hende igen og igen. Den sagte mumlen forskerne imellem dør ud, da en af dem pauser scenen og udtrykker i chokeret korthed "Jeg tror vi har ændret i tiden..."
Pastwatch handler om en gruppe historieforskere i en nær fremtid, som arbejder på instituttet Pastwatch. Historieforskerene bruger en såkaldt fortidskiggermaskine til at studere og nedskrive historiens korrekte gang. En spritny model er just blevet installeret, desværre viser det sig at den har konsekvente bivirkning, som holdet bliver udsat for og nu må de tage stilling til hvordan de skal handle.
Played at
Fastaval (2016) |
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