That’s So Johnny
(AKA: Det' bare Johnny)
Genre: Drama
Participants: 1 GM, 8 players
✏️ | Anne Vinkel |
Johnny was amazing. Charismatic. Talented. Fun. But he’s dead now, and the things he did are becoming unignorable.
So when Johnny’s friends meet, they have to go over the subject again, even though it makes friends fall out and forces them all to revise the stories they tell themselves about Johnny, about each other, and about themselves. Should they have known? Really, they couldn’t have known, could they? They knew, didn’t they, and was it all that bad? Surely, at least they can agree that it wasn’t their fault?
”That’s so Johnny” deals with a circle of friends, un-friends, exes and awkward acquaintances having to face that they have been enabling a rapist. The style of play is semi-live and primarily in-character play. Abuse is not played out in the game, but the players will spend the game inside the head of a person who is very busy making excuses for having stood by and done nothing. Whether they can keep doing that, and what it does to them, is what we’re playing to find out.
Johnny var fantastisk. Karismatisk. Talentfuld. Sjov. Men han er død nu, og historierne om de ting han gjorde begynder at være umulige at ignorere.
Så når Johnnys venner ses, kan de ikke lade det med Johnny ligge, selv om det gør venner til uvenner, og selv om det vender op og ned på de historier, de gerne vil fortælle sig selv om Johnny, om hinanden og om sig selv. Burde de have vidst det? Var det noget, de umuligt kunne have vidst? Vidste de det ikke godt alle sammen, og var det egentlig så slemt? I det mindste kan de vel blive enige om, at det ikke var deres fejl – ikke?
”Det’ bare Johnny” handler om en gruppe af venner, uvenner, ex’er og akavede bekendtskaber, der bliver nødt til at se i øjnene at deres vennekreds har huset en voldtægtsforbryder. Spilformen er semi-live og primært in-character. Der bliver ikke spillet overgrebsscener, men spilpersonerne er mennesker, der har ladet Johnny slippe afsted med det, han gjorde, og spillerne vil skulle bruge scenariet inde i hovedet på en person, der har meget travlt med at gøre sig undskyldninger for at have vendt det blinde øje til. Om spilpersonerne kan blive ved sådan, og hvad det gør ved dem, er det vi spiller for at finde ud af.
Played at
⛔ | Fastaval (2016) |
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