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Baboon Moon

Front page for Baboon Moon

RPG system: LARP
Participants: 6-15 players


✏️Karete Jacobsen Meland


Baboon Moon is an absorbent and non-verbal experiment, where we embody creatures living in soft cave-like structures, moving and exploring to the soundtrack of a studio album played in chronological order.

A significant part of this experiment is to create a space for experiencing music, and our movement is initiated through music and light design.

This larp is for you if you feel things when you listen to music, if you like being swallowed by loud music, and if you enjoy non-verbal, physical and interpretative play.

Tagline: How will this change the way we listen to a full album?
Where: The Oblong Room
When: Saturday 17.00 – 21.00. (Be in the Lounge at least 15 minutes before.)
Duration: 4 hours
Participants: 6-15
Language: English or Nordic

Played at

Blackbox Cph (2025)

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