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Front page for Panopticon

RPG system: LARP
Participants: 12-16 players


✏️Nór Hernø


In the Panopticon prison, those trapped within live under constant surveillance, until the prison begins to glitch and you are finally afforded moments free from observation.

As the inner walls malfunction, you have the chance to exploit these power outages to frantically move from cell to cell, reconnecting with those from your past. But remember – you must be back in your cell before the power returns.

In the end you will make one final decision that seals your fate, and potentially the fate of those around you, within the Panopticon.

NB.: Participation requires a level of physical mobility, as fast phased movement is necessary during the larp, as well as being comfortable with heavy use of sound and light.

Tagline: What will you do when the Panopticon glitches?
Where: The Grand Stage
When: Friday 17.00 – 21.00. (Be in the Lounge at least 15 minutes before.)
Duration: 4 hours
Participants: 12-16
Language: English

Played at

Blackbox Cph (2025)

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