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A Pirate Strife

RPG system: D&D 5th Edition

Organized by

D20 rollspelsförening


With the morning mist still fresh in the air, the creaking of the wooden deck beneath your feet and the boom of the every so often firing of canons, the pirate homestead Khotar, a city built from ramshackle houses and the remains of ships haphazardly thrown together, crammed onto a 3km squared island can be spotted on the horizon.

You have been hired by Viktor Caldwell, the (self-proclaimed) fiercest pirate on all the oceans to help him establish his legacy and to fulfill his destiny. The job? To take control of the city using the Pirate Plunders Parade the next day as cover, a task he's said to be surprisingly easy. Whether or not his destiny goes the way he hopes however, only you can decide.

To bring? A 4th level character if you want to, otherwise everything you need can be borrowed

Played at

LinCon (2024)

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