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And the Donkey Saw the Angel

Front page for And the Donkey Saw the Angel

(AKA: Og Æslet så Englen)

Participants: 1 GM, 3 players


✏️Ash West Frederiksen
✏️Lene Frederiksen


PDF Scenario [Danish] (2.6 MB)


As the musician Nick Cave immerses himself in his dark and grotesque tale of a religious town in USA, the boundary between reality and fiction blurs. Influenced by mania, depression and drugs, he writes a story in collaboration with aspects of himself.

Nick Cave embarks on a chaotic journey as he writes his debut novel, '"And the Ass Saw the Angel'" A tale of the grotesque and macabre set in a decaying town in southern America, rotting in conjunction with its increasingly fanatic inhabitants.
The scenario is based on a writer's dialogue with himself; the writer's desires for the novel's development become real people—The Ass, The Angel, and Nick—who, together in the writer's dark apartment, venture into the novel to achieve consensus and balance amongst themselves.

The scenario unfolds fluidly as players switch between taking on the roles of characters in the novel and aspects of the writer.

Throughout the writing process, the author grapples with his mind's ambiguous nature, periods of explosive mania and debilitating depression interrupted only by the soothing apathy of heroin. This is shown by using real-colored lenses, altering the experience as parts of the prompts are revealed and concealed by their character's mental state.

Da musikeren Nick Cave fordyber sig i sin dystre og groteske fortælling om en religiøs by i USA, udviskes grænsen mellem virkelighed og fiktion. Påvirket af mani, depression og stoffer skriver han en historie i samarbejde med aspekter af sig selv.

Nick Cave, begiver sig ud på en kaotisk rejse, mens han skriver sin debutroman, “And the Ass Saw the Angel.” En fortælling om det groteske og makabre, sat en sydlig amerikansk by der rådner og foregår i takt med at indbyggerne bliver mere fanatiske.
Scenariet tager udgangspunkt i en forfatters dialog med sig selv, forfatterens ønsker for romanens udfoldelse bliver virkelige personer, Æslet, Englen og Nick som sammen i forfatterens hule af en lejlighed, begiver sig ind i romanen, og opnår enighed og balance.

Scenariet foregår flydende ved at spillerne skiftevis påtager sig rollen af karaktererne i romanen, og aspekterne af forfatteren.

Under hele skriveprocessen kæmper forfatteren med hans sinds tvetydige natur, perioder med eksplosiv mani og invaliderende depression kun afbrudt af heroins behagelige sløvhed. Dette bliver virkeliggjort ved brugen af reelle farvede linser, som ændrer oplevelsen, når dele af prompterne bliver afsløret og skjult af deres karakters sindstilstand.

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Fastaval - Otto & jagten på den gyldne pingvin (2024)


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