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And Angels Will Come Looking For Us

RPG system: LARP


✏️Maarja Lutsar


A decade or so ago a group of colonists was attempting to reach an unimportant region of an unimportant planet. Winter arrived before they did and they got stuck in the snow in the mountains. The rest happened exactly as you’d imagine: most of them starved to death. Or, no, they did what they had to and reached their destination when snow finally melted. Or, no, when the spring came, only one of them arrived.

What really happened that winter? And, more importantly, what *should* have really happened that winter?

“And Angels…” is a game about poor choices, religious pressure and the last chance to avoide something horrible.

Played at

Tallinn International Larp Festival (2017)
Tallinn International Larp Festival (2018)

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