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Midwinter Revisited

RPG system: LARP
Participants: 90 players

Organized by

The Workshop, Inc


OrganizerIrrette Melakoski (Character design, production coordination)
OrganizerPaula Susitaival (Kitchen)
OrganizerEleanor Saitta (Lightning)
OrganizerSimon Brind (Narrative and character design)
OrganizerJohanna Koljonen (Narrative and runtime design)
OrganizerTuomas Puikkonen (Photography)
OrganizerJuha Hurme (Player support)
OrganizerAnni Tolvanen (Production and design lead, sound design)
OrganizerTina Aspiala (Scenography)
OrganizerMikko Asunta (Scenography)
OrganizerKatie Ballinger (Scenography)
OrganizerKol Ford (Writing and runtime facilitation)
OrganizerWilliam Hagstedt (Writing and runtime facilitation)
OrganizerChar Holdway (Writing and runtime facilitation)
OrganizerTorgrim Husvik (Writing and runtime facilitation)
OrganizerJamie MacDonald (Writing and runtime facilitation)
OrganizerMaria Pettersson (Writing and runtime facilitation)
OrganizerRebel Rehbinder (Writing and runtime facilitation)
OrganizerJørn Slemdal (Writing and runtime facilitation)
OrganizerKaya Toft Thejls (Writing and runtime facilitation)


Produce, Obey, and have a merry christmas!

Midwinter is a Nordic larp about the ultimate form of patriarchal capitalism: Santa's Workshop — and the jolly elves who toil there. It is a dystopian machine churning out toys and distorting age-old legends of Christmas.

The true stories of the elves have been silenced and forgotten. Rigid corporate policies dictate everything from caroling to candy canes and mandatory jollity inspections. Everyone wears a happy smile while keeping themselves busy — anything else would be a sign of serious indiscretion and idleness.

Memories of heartfelt joy and laughter, spirited work and play, and restful sleep with a full stomach are nothing but a dream. A dangerous dream. A naughty dream.

Runs 🗺️

8. - 11. December 2022🗺️Tenalji von Fersen, Suomenlinna, Helsinki, Finland



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