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Lies upon lies

Front page for Lies upon lies

Participants: 2 players


DesignerAske Severin Juul Christiansen


The cold war is at its coldest and the fight for control of Europe is at the heart of the conflict. In Lies upon lies, you will play as KGB or CIA in a tug of war for control of the major capitals of the continent, collection of vital intelligence and capture of spies.


Lies upon lies is a tactical card game where you race to achieve 1 of 4 possible victory conditions as fast as possible. Every card you play has to be paid for with cards that you have to put into your opponents deck – so be careful not to hand them the perfect card for their plan! You will have a limited supply of spies, intelligence and cards to spend, so every action you take must create more opportunities for you, than what you create for your opponent.

On the board you must try to place your spies cleverly, to create majorities and tip over the balance of power in the most important capitals of Europe. If you leave a door open, your enemys spies will flood in and destroy your delicate alligiances, and make the iron curtain crumble in their favour.

But always keep in mind that the game can be won and lost on many fronts, so for every power move you make in one sector, you may just have given up a bit to much in another.

It is your job to keep the spread of [insert ideology here] from sinking the world into chaos!

Time: 50-80 min
Players: 2
Language: English

Den kolde krig er koldere end nogensinde og kampen om Europa er i centrum for konflikten. I Lies upon lies påtager du dig rollen som leder af KGB eller CIA, der kæmper for kontrollen over Europas vigtigste hovedstæder, uundværlige efterretninger og tilfangetagning af fjendes spioner.


Lies upon lies er et taktisk kortspil hvor spillerne kæmper om at få overtaget på 1 af 4 fronter og vinde spillet. Hver gang du spiller et kort, betaler du med andre kort fra din hånd, som ender direkte i din modstanders deck – så vær forsigtig med hvilke kort du smider væk, måske er det netop det din fjende mangler for at vinde!

På brættet skal I udmanøvrere hinanden ved at placere og rykke jeres spioner rundt mellem Europas store byer, for at tippe den hårfine magtbalance. Hvis du lader en sprække stå åbent i jerntæppet, vil du hurtigt blive overløbet af fjendens spioner, der vil gøre alt for at opløse dine hårdt tilkæmpede politiske alliancer, og vinde dem over til deres side.

Men glem aldrig at spillet kan blive vundet på mange fronter. Et hvert stærkt træk på én front kan blotte dig totalt på en anden og koste dig sejren!

Det er dit job at stoppe at den hastige spredning af [indsæt ideologi her] sender verden ud i kaos!

Tid: 50-80 min
Spillere: 2
Sprog: Engelsk

Played at

Fastaval: Otto for folket (2023)


Fastaval: Otto for folket (2023)

Winner, Bedste Innovation
Et jerntæppe har sænket sig over Europa fra Berlin i nord til Odessa i syd. De to efterretningstjenester i øst og vest spiller et farligt spil, hvor alle deres valg kan være skæbnesvangre, og ens modstander er klar til at slå til ved det mindste fejl. Dette kommer til udtryk i, at alt hvad du gør koster dig dyrt. Med en simpel nytænkende kort-mekanik, hvor din modstander trækker fra de kort, du har kasseret, ved du om nogen, hvilke problemer der kan lure lige omkring hjørnet. Du er altså hele tiden udsat for, at fjendens spioner får fat i dine hemmeligheder og løgne, og bruger dem imod dig - og udover at forberede dig bedst muligt, er der meget lidt du kan stille op mod det.

An iron curtain has descended over Europe from Berlin in the north to Odessa in the south. The two intelligence services in the East and West are playing a dangerous game, where all their choices can be fateful, and their opponent is ready to strike at the slightest mistake. This is reflected in the fact that everything you do costs you dearly. With a simple and innovative card mechanic, where your opponent draws from the cards you have discarded, you know better than anyone what problems may be lurking just around the corner. You are constantly exposed to the enemy's spies getting hold of your secrets and lies, and using them against you - and besides preparing yourself as best as possible, there is very little you can do about it.

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