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Skeleton Song

RPG system: LARP
Participants: 5 players, You do not need to be a cis woman to fill these roles!: 5

Organized by

Ruffled Feathers


✏️Jacqueline Bryk


**"If you're going to write a game about serial killers ... play this one first." -fia glas**

*Your name was on the front page. You were a victim with a number. One, two, three, four, five. When they caught him, your Killer’s full name was splashed across the front page too, along with smaller pictures of the rest of his victims. They wrote hundreds of words dedicated to his motives: what he wanted, why he wanted it, how could such a monster exist among us. You were relegated to his kills, his trophies. He captured the public imagination.*

*They haven’t heard you since you went missing. Your voice was snuffed out, or added to the background noise of the Killer’s glamour. You became a part of him, part of his past, his present, and his future.*

A feminine horror LARP about reclaiming your personhood in the face of someone who wants to take it away, even beyond death. Players portray five victims of a serial killer, rediscovering themselves in purgatory through memories. *Skeleton Song* makes liberal use of the monologue metatechnique to build characters through play, as well as ritual vocalizations (i.e. chanting and screaming). The game ends when the killer (portrayed briefly by the GM) dies and *attempts* to take them away.

Safety mechanics used include the OK check-in and cut/break.

Requires five players and two hours.

Played at

Intercon T: Turtles (2020)

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