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Sjoerd van der Linde


Designer Wildwoods Fastaval: Otto for folket (2023)


Fastaval: Otto for folket (2023)

Wildwoods: Nominated, Bedst Formidlede Brætspil
Skoven er forhekset og alt liv er drænet ud af dens ellers så frodige natur. Der er ingen lyd af skovens smådyr, de er for længst flygtet og du står nu tilbage i kampen om skovens overlevelse. Spillet nomineres for regler, ikonografi og artwork, der er både velformulerede, veldesignet og fantastisk flotte! De sorte silhuetter går igen hele vejen kun brudt af få, men klare farver. Spillet er komplekst og har flere processer der er sammenflettede, og som ene spiller skal man holde tungen lige i munden. Det til trods, holdes man godt i hånden af reglerne hele vejen.

The forest is cursed and all life has been drained from its once lush nature. There is no sound from the small creatures of the forest and you are left in the battle for the forest's survival. The game is nominated for its rules, iconography, and artwork, which are all well-formulated, well-designed, and stunningly beautiful! The black silhouettes are consistent throughout, only challenged by a few but clear colours. The game is complex and has several intertwined processes, and as a single player, one must keep a clear head. Despite this, the rules guide the player through the game very well.
Wildwoods: Nominated, Bedste Brætspil
Wildwoods har alt dét et godt brætspil skal have. En medrivende fortælling, en fængende æstetik og en mekanik, der alle er bundet så fint sammen, at det skaber en lille smuk perle af en fortælling, hvor man fanges ind af eventyret og stemningen. Uanset om man spiller Lune eller Mae, så føres man gennem en både storladen og nærværende fortælling om lysets kamp mod mørket, en pige og hende bjørn der skal hjælpe skoven tilbage. Alt mens mørkets kræfter kæmper imod og hver gang du har fået overhånden, er det igen mørkets tur til at kæmpe imod. Spillets elementer arbejder problemfrit sammen og er gennemarbejdet fra ende til anden.

Wildwoods has everything a good board game should have. An immersive story, a captivating aesthetic, and mechanics that are all tied together so beautifully that it creates a little beautiful gem of a tale where you are caught up in the adventure and the mood. Whether you play as Lune or Mae, you are led through a both grand and intimate story about the battle of light against darkness, a girl and her bear helping the forest come back to life. While the forces of darkness fight against you and every time you gain the upper hand, it's the turn of darkness to fight back. The game elements work seamlessly together and are thoroughly thought out from beginning to end.
Wildwoods: Nominated, Deltagernes Pris, Brætspil (Tredjeplads )

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