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Fair Tidings Magazine

11 - November 1994


Editor Birgitte Vince Heuschkel


Sida 1 Front page Front page
For more than two thousand years, the amphi theather has stood in the centre of the Etruscan town of Volterra, Italy...
Birgitte Vince Heuschkel Illustrator
Sida 3 Editorial Hail bureaucracy! Birgitte Vince Heuschkel Editor
Sida 4 The Gadgeteer-master’s Cookbook
Well, did you ever bring a prop on stage? Maybe you ought to try it, after all.
Sida 6 Cartomancer
A very brief introduction to the art of divination through an ordinary deck of playing cards.
Sida 12 Littera Scripta Manet
PrInciPIa DisCOrdIa!
Sida 14 DELPHI downtown
Sida 16 What is evil?
What is wrong with being evil? Apart from... and...
Sida 17 Blessed garlic
An herb much spoken of in the fantasy game setting — but aside from frightening friends and vampires, a good deal of other powers were — and are — associated with garlic.
Sida 20 The great American fantasy
A peek into the delusions widespread among gamers — also referred to, in some less tolerant circles, as ‘American Fantasy’.

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