(aka: The Racing Rats)
- God45 recenserar
- Warhammer
- Jesu Bar Mitzvah
- Novellescenarie
- Dyrefabler
- Deltagernes Pris
- Beskidt fantasy
- Skaven
Genre: Fantasy
Deltagare: 1 SL, 4 spelare
✏️ | Kristian Bach Petersen |
🎨 | Juan Nunez |
🎨 | Randi Nina Sprogøe |
Fastaval - Jurassic Otto - An Adventure into the Ancestral Ties of Otto (2025), Mariagerfjord Gymnasium, Hobro, Danmark
Jeppe Nybo Jørgensen (GM) |
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Scenario [danska] | (5,8 MB) |
Fire inkompetente skavens skal hente en bulet kobberskål hjem til Den Hornede Rottes hellige haller. Kan de undgå at falde i menneskenes hænder, og kan de undgå at falde i ryggen på hinanden?
Stikord: Warhammer – Intrige – Skaven
”Piv-piv. Ja-ja. Ærværdige troldkarlsingeniør. Vi vrister den allerhelligste skål fra menneskedyrenes hænder og får den tilbage til Skavenborg. Vi bringer stor-stor ære-hæder hjem til klanerne. Stor-stor ære-hæder!”
Det er hårdt at være skaven. Når du ikke kæmper for at undgå rustne knive i ryggen, skal du være på poterne for at komme frem i Den Hornede Rottes åsyn, helst på sine artsfællers bekostning.
I ”Rotteræset” drager fire af disse anti-helte ud på en mission for at tilbageskaffe Den Hornede Rottes Ampel, som de skurkagtige mennesker har stjålet. En tur, der bringer dem igennem Nulns kloakker og natteliv med liv og rottelemmer som indsats.
Scenariet er et action-intrige novellescenarie, hvor spillerne får mulighed for at konspirere, luske og snige, som kun, ikke alt for kompetente, skavens kan gøre det og sammen med spillederen folde én skæbnesvanger nat ud for de fire rottemænd.
Scenariet har en fri struktur og bruger et enkelt terningesystem, der understøtter action, spillet mellem karaktererne og den konstante kamp om status.
Om forfatteren:
Kristian har i år 25-års jubilæum på Fastaval og 10 års-jubilæum som scenarieforfatter. Han er del af Rollespillets Lette Brigade (og Forfatterkollektivet Jesus Bar Mitzvah), er ret god til action og faker det meste af sin Warhammer-viden.
Four incompetent skavens have been sent to bring a dented copper bowl back to the sacred halls of the Horned Rat. Can they succeed without getting caught by humans and without stabbing each others’ backs?
Three keywords: Warhammer Intrigue Skaven
”Squee-squee. Yes-yes. Glorious and most potent of wizard engineers. We will grab the holy chalice from the humanimals hands and bring it back it to Skavenblight. We will bring great-great glory-honour home to the clans. Great-great- glory-honour!”
It is hard to be a skaven. When you are not dodging rusty knives aimed at your back, you got to be a your paws to get into the sight of The Horned Rat, preferably at the expense of other members of your kin.
In ”The Racing Rats” four of these rodent anti-heroes departs on a mission to bring back The Goblet of the Horned Rat, a relic stolen by the fiendish humans. A trip that will bring them through the sewers and nightlife of Nuln, while life and rat limbs is at stake.
The scenario is an action-intrigue-novella scenario, where the players can conspire, sneak and scheme in ways only, pretty incompetent, skavens can, and together with the gamemaster create a single, fatal night out for the four ratmen.
The scenario has a sand-box-like structure and uses a simple dice system that supports action, inter-player intrigues and pushes the constant fight about status.
About the writer:
This year Kristian has 25-year anniversary on Fastaval, and 10 years as a scenario writer. He is part of the RPG Light Brigade and the writers collective Jesus Bar Mitzvah. He is pretty good when it comes to action and fakes most of his Warhammer knowledge
Det er hårdt at være Skaven. Når man ikke kæmper for at undgå rustne knive i ryggen, skal man være på poterne for at vinde Den Hornede Rottes velsignelser, helst på sine artsfællers bekostning.
I ”Rotteræset” drager fire af disse anti-helte ud på en mission for at tilbageskaffe Den Hornede Rottes Ampel, som de skurkagtige mennesker har stjålet. En tur, der bringer dem igennem kloaker og natteliv med liv og rottelemmer som indsats på en skæbnesvanger nat for de fire rottemænd.
I Rotteræset får I mulighed for at konspirere, luske og snige, som kun virkeligt dygtige… undskyld, virkelig virkeligt uduelige Skavens kan gøre det!
Aldersgruppe: 12-14 år
Spelat på
Fastaval - Otto Under the Sea (2019) | |
♻ | Fastaval - Jurassic Otto - An Adventure into the Ancestral Ties of Otto (2025) |
Fastaval - Otto Under the Sea (2019)
Vinnare, Bedste Virkemidler
A single and simple dice mechanic pulls together all the threads in the scenario. The pace is efficiently kept, the story is powered by the outcome of the dice, and the backstabbing of the rats is masterfully supported with room for each role´s unique skills. In addition we get a colourful symphony of supporting characters, never leaving the game master alone in the sandbox
Vinnare, Deltagernes Pris
Nominerad, Bedste Scenarie
All elements of this invigorating and easy accessible scenario work together towards creating a breakneck and unpredictable race for The Ampel of the Three Horned Rat. The scene is set for an entertaining rat rivalry with colourful supporting characters and stabbing prone main characters bursting with Warhammer.
Nominerad, Bedste Roller
The furry anti heroes are Skavens to the bone. Scheming, secretive, stocked up with more or less useful weapons, and not too bright. They form a base for violent moves for power amongst the rats as well as inspirational hooks for how to explore Nuln under the cover of night - delivering the atmosphere of the scenario at the furry feet of the players.
Nominerad, Bedste Formidling
Warhammer from tip of the tail to pest infested whisker! In a text thick with the stink of Skaven, the setting of Nuln is drawn up as a safe sand box for the game master and players to explore. Clear cut rule explanations, devious ideas for where to go and who to meet, and a useful cheat sheet, arms the game master as well as the characters - to the teeth.
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